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What happens when you go into a Waffle House and they tell you they are out of waffles?
23 Answers
- dumbLv 61 month ago
I don't know, but I hope no one becomes violent over this problem. Better alive w/o waffles than dead with only syrup.
- Anonymous1 month ago
There was a lady who called 911 when McD's was out of fries. So she would call 911 again.
- SparkyLv 61 month ago
I would double check that it wasn't April Fools Day.
Then I would be surprised.
Then I would remember that I once went to KFC and they were out of chicken, so I guess it does happen.
- ?Lv 61 month ago
why go in the first place , unless your a trouble maker !! any place can run out of stock .
- Anonymous1 month ago
Sue them.