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Anonymous asked in HealthDental · 1 month ago

Tooth filling ?

How much do tooth filling prices start at ? One of my front teeth are half way missing and it needs a fill I need to know what the price range is I know they can be pretty expensive 

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    If you just need a filling it is relatively cheap, about a $100; However, if you need a crown because it cannot be filled, depending on where the cavity is, you will need a crown. Which is several hundred dollars. Most dentist will provide a payment plan. Most dental insurance cover all fillings and pay half of the price of crowns. They also cover cleaning x 2 per year. Premiums are quite low and usually cleaning and fillings do not have a waiting period. 

  • 1 month ago

    you might be able to get insurance for it

  • 1 month ago

    Depends on where you live, if you have insurance, and the actual work tht needs to be done,

    We know none of those things. Go to a dentist and ask him/her.

  • 1 month ago

    Why not go to a dentist and get a real estimate? We have no useful idea.

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