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How did semen get on the back of my pants?
I had a wet dream and the *** or semen got on the back of my pants how is that possible?
8 Answers
- 3 weeks ago
I always loved a wet dream , it felt amazing till you awaoke to find you had a sticky mess which seemed to spread all over the place . Im sure my emissions were much more when I was asleep then when I was masturbating lol
- JoeLv 64 weeks ago
You were sleeping on your back and it dripped down, or you were curled up on one side with your penis extended backward. Who cares? The question is did you enjoy it?
- 4 weeks ago
not sure about this one. you should ask your doctor to see if it's normal. might just be the position you were in too. i wouldn't worry. ps. you should think about using a layer of man1 man oil to take care of yourself below the belt.
- ron hLv 71 month ago
Dunno and it doesn't matter. But "pants?' like pajamas or "underpants?" You were probably on your back when you shot and the ji zz ran down between your legs.
- Anonymous1 month ago
I dunno - hope it was a fun dream, tho' !!!!!