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So I guess the covid pandemic is over?
Everything and everyone seems to be going back to normal and yet you still have to wear masks in public and most fast food restaurants you can't sit down and eat at. what's going on?
10 Answers
- conley39Lv 74 weeks ago
No, the numbers have started to rise again recently and there are new varients that seem to be more transmissible.
- JackolanternLv 71 month ago
Why not ask the families of the approximately 10,000 that died from Covid19 yesterday here in the states if THEY think it's over? 😢 The problem is that every evening on the news, we are told how many are vaccinated and we think the problem is solved and we go out like everything is OK and help spread the virus even further along!
- Anonymous1 month ago
A couple more months and most American should have been vaccinated. Things will continue to relax, but I think it will be smart to keep wearing masks in congested public spaces - maybe forever. The Japanese have considered masks to be normal good hygiene for many years.
- ausblueLv 71 month ago
nope its far from over, we in queensland have another case in the community ,he was infectious a week so if people dont do correct thing now it will be real bad again
- I’m just HonestLv 61 month ago
It’s far from over. European nations such as Poland, Germany etc are seeing a new wave.
- Anonymous1 month ago
In the US & Britain, yes. Rising in India and France.
- Chihuahua AddictLv 71 month ago
You have been Misinformed. Covid 19 is far from over, so I have no idea where you get the idea, that Covid 19 is over.