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Is this a good UFO story?
A UFO don't know if it's true or not happened in the late 70s one night in a rural Oregon town lots of people saw what appeared to be a flying robot mechanical dragon if you ever watched Power Rangers it looked exactly like the zord Serpentera exactly the same as it. It was so huge the largest any of the people had ever seen. it flew slowing right over the town and then disappeared back into the stars. could it be true?
9 Answers
- Anonymous4 weeks ago
andproperpunctuation. Cometothinkofit,itacuallysucks.
- ?Lv 64 weeks ago
nope no sex in it , get the aliens to get a single woman and have there way with her , much more interesting ..
- ?Lv 74 weeks ago
They're repressed religious connotations to your experience psychologically replacing miracles with illogical imaginations
- DavidLv 54 weeks ago
If it was true, you would be able to find verified reports and evidence it happened. I don't feel like looking for it, but if you want to know if it happened then do some research.
- Jeffrey KLv 74 weeks ago
Could it be true that people saw something they couldn't identify? Yes, of course.
Could it be true that is was aliens from another planet? Very unlikely. There is no evidence to indicate that.
- Anonymous4 weeks ago
Do you wear a crash helmet and bash a wooden spoon against a frying pan while drooling all over the place by any chance ?
- Anonymous4 weeks ago
No James - I stopped watching children shows a long time ago, don't do drugs, and don't have the time to sit around thinking about fantasy crap.
- ?Lv 64 weeks ago
Do they export their liquor from Oregon? I'd like to try some.
But seriously, is this tale documented somewhere such as in a newspaper, or an official report, or is someone just pulling your leg?