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? asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 4 weeks ago

In Tokyo Drift, why would DK's uncle accept Sean's Deal to race?

I know the Hollywood reason DK's Uncle Kamata would take the deal, so that the race could serve as a greater ending to the film. But in universe, I can't Figure out why. Kamata is a yakuza boss, or at least it heavily implied he is, and while I can see why Sean returning the money Han stole could by Sean his and his friends lives, I can't see why Kamata would agree to the race, and the condition of exile for the loser. Sean's reasons I get. But I mean, Kamata already has what he wants, and all the race does for him is put his nephew at risk.

Again, I get it's Hollywood and they take liberties with things, but can anyone give me a reason why a man like Kamata would accept this deal?

P.S. Props to Sonny Chiba for such a good performance, I honestly wish we got to see more of him in the movie.

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