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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicHoroscopes · 3 weeks ago

are russian brides a scam?

I'm only  32 and don't have much of a social life around here where I moved to and was curious about getting a beautiful russian or eastern european woman. I am in the U.S.

6 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    cleopatra is probably displeased.. have you tried leaving an offering to an ancient pyrimid?? or ingesting "garbanzo beans"

  • 3 weeks ago

    That depends. Do you consider dating someone under false pretenses for financial gain a scam?

    I suppose you could argue that it's no more a scam than any other form of dating. Lol.

  • Nemo S
    Lv 5
    3 weeks ago

    LOT of Corruption and organized crime involved in those and the #1 reason is CITIZENSHIP especially here in the U.S.A and with a 41% divorce rate you can see how that works out once they have it...


  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    No bigotry here.  The YA algorithm picks up the word "scam" and deposits the question in the Horoscopes section. Well done YA.

    Forget the Russian women.  It is a scam and if your lack of a social life is a personal problem, go see a shrink.  In the long run it will be cheaper than getting involved with the Russian mob.  

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    There's no love involved, only financial betterment.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    I once was involved with an American/ Russian newspaper. It seemed like some used American men to pay their way over and then meet up with their Russian boyfriends. Most seemed to be married to Russians. 

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