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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicHoroscopes · 3 weeks ago

Cancer women are the women who men love the most?

Cancer women are very loving, caring, have high EQ, womanly, beautiful, warm, affectionate, good mothers, the best women in the zodiac, which men don't love them?


Yes, they are moody, but men don't really mind their moodiness, instead, if a Cancer woman gets moody, men will try to do anything to make her feel better. Cancer women have enough desirable and attractive qualities that prevent a man from getting turned off by their moodiness and emotional craps.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Lol.. Hellll yeah.. Cancer house husbands too .. The male version.. Affectionate.. Moody.. Caring.. Has strongest intuition of zodiac and empathy and can relate with others. And dont like causing pain. Ive seen some signs seem to think thats a good thing. Not to everyone tho.. I mean.. Being all lile.. Hesrtless and soulles lol.. Trash... Trash people.. Anyways.. Being a cancer sun i can relate. 

    Nvm.. If they let people abuse them.. Eww.. What a huge turn off.. Way too much drama.. And stupidness.. So not into that.. I dont like abuse.. Or anything related with that. And I also dont like people who are too clingy... Fukc off.. 

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Hell yeah. To cheat on and use and abuse. They do anything I tell them to. Seriously bro

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    Wrong planet.  The "planet" you find from just the month-day of birth is the SUN, and all the Sun represents is how we relate to ourselves. Sun in Cancer needs to belong, nurture and protect.  But IF Sun has hard aspects to any of the other 9 planets, that person is touchy and over-reacts by backing off and nurturing and protecting themselves .. and can be VERY difficult for others to get along with.

    MOON is the planet which indicates our emotions, and with Sun in Cancer (or any zodiac Sign), Moon could be in ANY of the 12 zodiac Signs.

    VENUS is the planet which indicates how we relate to others, and with Sun in Cancer, the person can only have Venus in Taurus or Gemini or Cancer or Leo or Virgo.

    We have to do up THAT person's unique natal chart, based on the full birthdate, the exact time of birth, and the locatio of hte birthplace. And then we have to look at ALL of the 40 to 50 factors, paying special attention first to the "aspects" between the planets.

    Sun Sign astrology is not real astrology, and since it is only 2% of the astrological picture, using just the Sign misleads you.

  • 3 weeks ago

    No there are a lot of looney cancer women who are not even close to what you described. Never met one like you described. They're usually out of their minds!

  • 3 weeks ago

    Aren't they moody though. 

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    No man loves Cancer women, that’s why they’re lonely bit ches.

  • 3 weeks ago

    Good for cancer women then lol

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