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How strong was she?
When I was 11 my mom got so mad at me she threw me onto the bed I was standing still and she grabbed my arm and I lifted off of my feet into the air and landed on the bed on my side. She was 48 / 49 kind of thin and I was 11 a boy and thin.
3 Answers
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Only 8 more fetish-spamming days left for you, James. Don't expect any other site to tolerate a perverted autistic wănker like you.
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
Don't you remember the times she did it before you were 11 - - the times you were really hurt and had to go to the hospital?? Don't you know that's how your problems started ?????? She wanted to kill you then and still does!!!!!
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
Multi posting SICK troll, same questions, every day.