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Do women want a man with good or great grammar, do some women understand grammar for some is always gonna be imperfect ?

My grammar sucks i know it don't care or give a damn take it or love it 39 not worried how people think my grammar level is my 3.50 GPA says better

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    My ex bf was terrible with written English, his writing was atrocious, terrible spelling etc., but he was very good in his trade as fitter & turner, so much so that he ended up as a boss in the mining industry. He owns several properties and is wealthy. I remember he went to bed before me one night and decided to fill in a crossword I'd been doing. I remember an answer he wrote, the question was "40 all tennis", he wrote juice instead of deuce. I had a chuckle at that but it didn't annoy me. So if you're smart at other things, you'll do well without great grammar skills. 

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