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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsWeather · 3 weeks ago


So at work I got asked if i wanted to receive the covid vaccine for next week the first dose, of the vaccine my boss came up to me and told me if i wanted to get it and i said hell no I don't trust that piece of crap. All my coworkers were telling me don't be a chicken and just get the shot everyone is going to get the vaccine except for me. My boss was telling she recommends me to get it because the media is saying that the covid vaccine might be mandatory. Which i doubt. I am never going to get the vaccine at all I was wondering is it true that airports are going to force people get the vaccine i hope not I am never touching that covid vaccine, a vaccine usually takes 5 years to develop according to sources i feel like they rushed out the new vaccine. is it true they are going to force the vaccine in the future i hope is not true. I am never touching that covid vaccine

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    The elite is faking that they took the real vaccine; the real vaccine will cause spiritual and physical damage. When will the official churches start praying for the false prophet? Orthodox Christian three hand signs are different than Buddhist mudras. Ecumenism = 263 heresies; each heresy leads to hell. Orthodoxy = the only true faith; Roman Catholics tried one cup - one spoon ritual and got sick with Bubonic plague; if heresy enters Orthodox monastery then monks/nuns will get sick with flu/tuberculosis (for instance); Orthodox churches who closed for COVID or had disposable cups/spoons or dipped spoon into alcohol are no longer brides of Christ (now they serve Satan and honor Satan's new COVID religion). Don’t go into UFO to be “healed” by evil demons; demons never do good. SSN is written as a barcode/QRcode; then it's put into a chip; chip is put into vaccine; chipped people are influenced (by super computers) to receive grey plastic card World Passport with no name on it (but when they stretch their hands to get it, gov't clerk presses secret button to administer the unforgivable green 666 tattoo by isotope rays). If you reject mark of the beast (by hiding within a 10-15 people group according to saints Gabriel Urgebadze and Seraphim of Sarov), then your direct ancestors go to heaven (according to saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov from Ural).

    Source(s): First vaccine shuts off your immune system; second vaccine gives you diseases; third vaccine puts your immune system back and it will start fighting the diseases and will cause death. Saint Paisios from Mount Athos said that the devil wants to deceive the rich with freemasonry, poor with communism, and believers with ecumenism. Elpidios Vagianakis said that there will be seven “mark of the beast” vaccines; reject all of them! Documents are from Satan; burn all the documents that you can find. Electronics will be used to track you. Even old broken unplugged 1970 TV set will show the evil flying antichrist using Tesla's ether. Don’t go into UFO to be “healed” by evil demons; demons never do good; always pray the Jesus prayer or to saints who help right away (like saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov according to whom if you reject mark of the beast, then your direct ancestors go to heaven); forgive me.
  • KennyB
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Vaccines are THE safest medical procedure that you can engage in.  Safer than appendectomies, safer than tooth extractions, safer than pregnancy.  Your fears are medically unfounded and worse, they threaten your life, your life expectancy, and the health of all those you hold dear.  It isn't a matter of 'chicken' it's more a social dilemma - do you intend to act as a carrier and potentially infect your children, your grandchildren and newborns?  You are not only socially irresponsible, you are potentially deadly.

  • 3 weeks ago

    they could literally inject you with CRAP! research it- cow dung is in too much supply and they want to keep us down with the sickness so to say..... so they say. but who are they anyways do your own research and you may come to find this is not so far from truth.

  • 3 weeks ago

    In that case, stay away from your grandparents to avoid giving Covid-19 to them. And, as the British variant is rapidly becoming dominant and is 50

    % more transmissible, as well as infecting children, stay away from your younger siblings. The only good thing about the pandemic is that, with a vaccine available, it is selectively killing off the less intelligent people in the USA.

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    more proof as if more was needed you can't fix stupid

  • The vaccine will save your life.  If you're intent on dying, shoot yourself - it's a less painful death than covid and you won't infect anyone else.

  • 3 weeks ago

    We get it, you're not taking the vaccine.

    You do you, bud.

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