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Anonymous asked in Games & RecreationHobbies & Crafts · 2 weeks ago

Degrading someone for their interests/hobbies or degrading them in general to get what you want is manipulation, right?

My younger sister keeps degrading me, my interests/hobbies, hell even my sexuality when I don’t do things she want me to. It’s honestly annoying, and I’ve told her to stop multiple times cuz it’s toxic but she just won’t. It’s not only me either, she does this to others around her too.

7 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    Don't know the situation, but your younger sister is what she should be a pain in the ***.

    Siblings are ALWAYS enemies.

    What age you talking?

    Have you ever actually talked to her?

    Marijuana is legal in many states.

    You would be surprised just how a toke or 2 can get people settled down when they are pushing violent.

    Not a cure, if that's the case?

    She will want to get help, talk it out and medication.

    Hopefully, some weed will help her.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Some people who have low self-esteem tear others down to make themselves feel better. Try giving her compliments- when she isn't verbally abusive and see how she reacts after you do that a few times. Also you could simply tell her "Do you feel better about yourself when you are talking badly about other people? You realize, don't you that you talking about others like that is a reflection on YOU, and what kind of person YOU are, it does NOT make others think negatively of the person you are talking about, it makes them think negatively of YOU and they will not want to be around you because of the verbal abuse." Call it what IT IS: VERBAL ABUSE. She is obviously trying to compensate for a lack in her life, if she can change the way she thinks- like start LOOKING for the good in people and situations, she will be much happier and have a better attitude about life. How old is she?

    Source(s): Personal experience in the School of Life
  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    you dont entertain your 3 year old sister you bastard ..entertain her and she will think your the best brother out you tight **** .

  • drip
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Ignore it. She does it because she gets a rise out of you.  Tell her that is fine, I don’t care what you think of me or what I do. 

    And then the next time, just walk away. Pretend like she isn’t even there. Sure, right, whatever and walk away.

    You react, you fight back, you try to reason wiht her, is what she wants. She wants a reaction. Don’t give it to her. 

    If someone is being this mean to you, do you really care what they think about you? 

    If she does this to you and keeps it up and you eventually cave and do what ever she wanted you to do, then yes she is manipulating you and YOU are allowing it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    talk to your parents about it

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    It's just meanness, not manipulation. Ignore her nonsense. Talk to her about her attitude, but don't argue about it, she's probably the type who loves to argue nastily. Be the bigger person.

  • 2 weeks ago

    If she only does it when she wants something from you then yeah its manipulation, if she does it all the time regardless she's just a horrible person and you should just stop speaking to her. 

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