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Will the covid pandemic go on forever?
I heard people can still get it even if they've gotten vaccine so there's no way to stop it?
4 Answers
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
The coronavirus19 virus may be around forever - but the pandemic will ease . . . like influenza, we may need to be innoculated every year for the latest variants . . . some will still get COVID even if vaccinated (but will not be as severed as if not vaccinated) some will refuse to be vaccinated. Thing is - you should be concerned until you get vaccinated this year . . . after that it may be a continuing nuisance but nothing to stress over.
- Fell In LoveLv 72 weeks ago
I highly doubt it, I believe that within a year or so everything will get back to normal.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
hopefully it will stay forever
- TruthSquadLv 62 weeks ago
No it will be under control in the U.S. and Europe in less than a year. The challenge will be vaccinating the entire remainder of the world.