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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 2 weeks ago

Trapped apart from my boyfriend due to covid 19. Is there anything I can do?

I am curerntly living in the US, I am a US citizen. My boyfriend of 3 years is currently in Australia and is an Australian citizen. We had plans for me to go live with him for a year last april but covid happened so the borders and visa restrictions due to covid 19 got in the way. Now we are stuck just waiting, I avente seen him in almost 2 years and I am starting to lose hope. Everytime I try to research when the borders might open, I see worse and worse news. I am 24 and he is 31. I am feeling pretty depressed and unsure of our future, is it worth the wait or do I just break my own heart and try to move on? We are getting older and some sources say international travel won't be a thing until maybe even 2024. Is there any way to go around these travel restrictions and see him again? Any advice would be much appreicated. 

5 Answers

  • Maxi
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    At this moment in time,  there is nothing you can do....the world is full of countries protecting their citizens and citizens of other countries to try to halt the spread of this virus...which is more important right now than lonely heart issues....... you don't have to look back too far in history to find men who left their families to go to war and were away for YEARS and too many never returned...... fill your time with useful things to do, go and improve your education as that will pass time usefully and improve your future, work, earn and save money  instead of pining...reality is you either should be together or not and if you should you are prepared to wait and if not then move on

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    If you're not prepared to end the relationship you'll probably want to get into some counseling to cope better (with this not at all unique situation that tens of millions of others are also experiencing). 

  • 2 weeks ago

    No, there's nothing you can do currently (for obvious reasons). 

    The only one of you that could travel is probably him to see you; but he'd have to book a quarantine hotel on his return, which is a challenge. 

    IF you wanted to commit to marriage, that might open up more options - but not something you should do just to see each other if you're not at that stage.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Australia has their border closed almost totally.  It might be easier for him to come here.  Next review I see is June.   Get vaccinated and see if the other way is possible. 

    It would be easier if you were married.  Maybe you can work that out over Zoom or something?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Meet in Turkey. Last I saw it was still open.

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