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Have you decided where to spend eternity when you leave this place?

No, this is not a religious question.  Have you found a new Q/A forum for yourself to move to when this one bites the dust?  Here are some options for those who don't choose to take this opportunity to go out and find a real life.

2 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    Yes, on my couch, I’ve had good times on my couch hon, it can be used to sit, it can be used as a bed, ive hung out with friends on my couch, I’ve passed out drunk on my couch, I’ve drank so much I’ve vomited on my couch, I’ve relaxed and watch movies on my couch, I listen to my favorite music on my couch. I’ve masturbated on my couch, if I had a bf I would be having sex on my couch lol, I’m sitting on my couch right now hon while using this site, my couch and I have been through a lot of shît 😂 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Possibly answerbag. But I've been thinking I should find other interests. I have probably become too addicted to forums like this.

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