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Lv 6

 How many people here like anime? what genre of anime do you like ?

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 days ago

    I like anime. I like different kinds of anime, so it's hard for me to pinpoint one specific genre.

  • 1 week ago

    I do and I like anime with a story that develops and where the main character or characters grow and learn but I also like anime with a bit of reality in it like death, depression, and even understanding the villains at times and why they do things. I’m not sure about genre but I do like anime like Cowboy Bebop, Naruto, DBZ, Bleach, and HXH just to name a few.

  • 1 week ago

    I love Dragon Ball, DBZ and DB Super. The Movies too. DBGT not so much. I've never watched anything else.

  • 1 week ago

    Oh I’m a lifelong anime fan! I’ll be watching anime probably till the day I die. 

    I’m open to any genre, but my favorite genres based on my top 20 favorite anime are: 

    drama, action, supernatural, psychological, fantasy, mystery, thriller, adventure. 

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    I tend to like anime about superheroes, fantasy, SF, extreme competitions, and interesting relationships.  

  • 2 weeks ago

    I like Shonen, i like romantic comedy, I like mystery, I like horror, I like mecha, I'll give everything a try really. Used to watch a lot of anime but now I'm in my mid 20s and rarely watch any but i have been wanting to finish lupin 2016 lately, I started it last year and didn't finish. 

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