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Why is it legal to discriminate against transsexual athletes ?

First trans women are women science and medicine. Second this is a blue law because it’s not founded in science. And even it is it’s still discrimination as I pointed out should we ban blacks to safe guard whites. It’s a blue law because it’s coming from Christian Science. Blue laws unconstitutional 

3 Answers

  • 1 week ago

     "Women athletic teams don't compete with men athletic teams, ask them why." 


     Please do, starting with the wrestler from Texas, Mack Beggs.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    No one is discriminating "against trans athletes." This is a LIE. They are saying biological males, no matter what their gender identity is, should not be allowed to compete in sports against biological females, because they have an unfair advantage. This is an uncontroversial FACT. They are still allowed to compete in sports--against their own biological sex.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    It's not, that's why the ACLU is taking states that pass discriminatory laws to court.

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