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Why do most of the people who use pictures on this site use them to intentionally sabotage their own "question" as a trolling technique...?

... instead of using a picture to add something to their question?

This is a serious question btw.  If posting pictures is an available tool, why don't people use pictures to add to their question, it's almost always used as a trolling technique to surprise a potential answerer or to just **** people off?


I mean there are always a certain percentage of trolls, but when it comes to the use of pictures it skyrockets to almost 100%.  Weird.

3 Answers

  • 1 week ago
    Favourite answer

    Because most of them are crazy.

  • 6 days ago

    Time for Yahoo Answers to end.

  • 1 week ago

    My guess is it is a bit of marketing brought into trolling.  You notice it more than the other questions because of the colors.  IDK.  It’s weird because emails that are colorful—I ignore assuming it’s spam—ads, like junk mail.  But here we look.  


    We all have gimmick to get attention.  Back in the day, when this more community based, my avatar was a smashing muse with red hair..  Kind Red. It makes no sense now.  


    Your name—kind of must be your thing to draw interest.  Like a Moliere play or that German dictator in WWII.   It calls attention.  

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