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I am janitor and a Buddhist but I want a job we’re I can be helping people on a grander scale is that to much pride?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago


    And who says a janitor cant?

    What you want most comes sooner when you least expect it.

    ...and in situations you think are less likely to make an impactful change. 

    For instance, my uncle was a janitor. He was also a military Veteran. 

    He bought 2 houses. And when I was at my lowest point in life, his house was a safe haven for me to dwell in while I was taking on the rest of my world. 

    🥴 I didnt even come to his funeral.

    But nobody sheltered me except for his kids whom I hadnt seen in 32 years. 

    If it werent for him, I would have had to depend on my 10 million other relatives who are caring for 10 million other relatives. 😄

    🥴 Even a janitor has a significant role to play in the grand scheme of things.

  • Mack
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Wanting is attachment, just sayin'....

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