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Am I a lightweight?

I was drinking with my uncle and his friend last night, we started around 11:30 pm. I had 3 Twisted Teas and 3 Bud Lights. By 3 or 4 am all those Twisted Teas and Beers were consumed (the amount above) I could tell I was slurring my words slightly and was a little off-balance. I remember everything was fully conscious of my actions. I weigh about 240 pounds and hadn't eaten a lot yesterday. Does this mean I'm a lightweight.


I woke up with no headache or body pain.

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    You are all drinking too much. WAY above the "safe-drinking guidelines".

    If you don't actually become alcoholics, at the very least every time you drink like this you are killing off some of your brain and liver cells. They don't regenerate and by the time you notice what you are doing to yourself, it will be too late.

  • 1 week ago

    By 3 or 4 am, maybe you were mostly tired. I'm not even going to comment on whether you could be called a lightweight or not, since I think that labelling people according to how well they tolerate alcohol is a really stupid thing to do.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    i would ask your doctor about it

  • 1 week ago

    I can imagine no circumstances under which I would ever have a twisted tea or a bud lite. Are they even alcoholic?

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