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Help with a/d/s L8e speakers. How do I use them?

I have two a/d/s L8e speakers & want to get them to work but know nothing about them. Only info I have is the sticker on the back saying they’re “4 ohms nominal.” 

What do I need to be able to use them? Do I just need an amp? If so, how do I know what kind?Does anybody know any specs for them?Also, what kind of wires do I need?I can’t seem to figure it out through searching google.

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1 Answer

  • 1 week ago

    They are just conventional loudspeakers and do need a suitable amp to drive them.

    Any old stereo separates type amp rated 20W - 80W or so with 4 Ohm speakers should be suitable, or you could use them as the main front speakers on a home theatre type surround amp.

    For wire, just appropriately sized two core flex rated somewhere around 10A to 20A (not that will be taking that current, but thicker means lower resistance and less loss).

    Normal power cable would do, or the red & black stuff sold on ebay for 12V power or speakers would be fine. 


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