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24 Answers
- Anonymous6 days ago
If he was walking the earth he would be upset at both parties but really would be right winger, doesn't believe we should get free stuff, bible reads we must work for what we want not sit home and get it free,. besides we all know nothing is free.
- ?Lv 76 days ago
He is here today, and teaches only what is in accord with God's will. To the extent that "liberal" means "rejecting God's will", He would not support it.
- 6 days ago
flow to the horses bridal! You need to get that image of white blue eyed Jesus with blonde flowing hair in a dress out of your head. That ain't Jesus, smmfh!
- Anonymous1 week ago
The Jesus of the Bible wanted to feed and heal poor people and accept foreigners.
That's sure a f*ck not conservative.
- 1 week ago
I would imagine he would be cancelled and then banned everywhere he tried to go and speak as he would challenge everyone with how they are living their lives.
- choko_canyonLv 71 week ago
According to how he's described in the Bible he was the ultimate liberal of his time, and he's supposedly eternal and unchanging, so it would follow that he would still be the ultimate liberal of this time.
- Anonymous1 week ago
I believe he would be in a mental institution, and doesn’t that prevent him from voting?
- Anonymous1 week ago