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The burden of proof is on those making the claim. That's a FACT. So why do atheists fail badIy to prove their claim that God doesn't exist?
22 Answers
- 7 days agoFavourite answer
Because Christians fail so badly to prove their claim that God does exist.
- ?Lv 77 days ago
Now be nice. You know very well that proof requires evidence, and a non-existent entity cannot provide evidence of its non-existence.
- Anonymous1 week ago
Ah, the hourly fallacious shifting of the burden of proof by a theist. I will miss it so.
The claim that a god exists is made without evidence, so it can be rejected without evidence.
- Phil MLv 71 week ago
Non existence cannot be proven. Existence can. Who is failing here? In your question, I sense fear, anger, and hatred. That is all the proof I need.
- ?Lv 51 week ago
I don't know. But I look forward to your follow up anonymous question as an atheist where you ask about Christians being insincere and standing behind fallacy. I'm going to miss the obvious and stupid ways that you have to lie and deceive in order the justify your lack of belief in God, therefore acknowledging that I'm right and reinforcing my faith in Christ.
- ?Lv 61 week ago
Why do we care what they think? I for one don't think that my faith hinges on their acceptance of it.
- Anonymous1 week ago
The claim is that a god exists. No one has yet provided proof of this.
- ?Lv 71 week ago
Because it's THEISTS who are ''making the claim''.
If no one had ever claimed that ''God exists''
then no one would have to say ''No, he doesn't''.
Claiming that He exists came FIRST.
All we have to do is ''disprove'' your claim
and Science has done that .. over and over again
by demonstrating how everything actually got here.
- Anonymous1 week ago
Easy one, it's impossible to disprove the reality of God. It's simply a matter of unbelief.
If anyone can prove conclusively that there is no God, he will become world famous for all posterity.