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Anonymous asked in Consumer ElectronicsCell Phones & Plans · 1 week ago

Are there any brands of Android phone chargers that still work after a few weeks?


Thanks :)

1 Answer

  • 1 week ago
    Favourite answer


    Any reasonable quality USB power unit should work for any phone or device that charged via a USB connection.

    Just get one with the appropriate connection type (USB A, USB C etc) for the phone cable.

    I've got a load of the things in different places, some single outlet, some with from three to six USB outlets. 

    I have never had one fail, in as long as I've been using USB charged devices.

    Just don't get the cheapest nastiest ones from ebay - buy them from a high street store.

    (Note the wall part is not technically a "charger", it is a 5V power supply; the actual charge control electronics are within the phone or tablet etc., which is why they can be connected to anything that provides USB power).

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