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Atheists, you'd rather there is no Divine Realm and no Hope, wouldn't you?
26 Answers
- ?Lv 61 week agoFavourite answer
The only place anyone can find divine truth is IN THE BIBLE, my friend.
No religion or denomination of mankind has all divine truth. Everyone has some from the Bible but the Bible is supernatural.
It is God's Word living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, dividing asunder soul from spirit and bone from marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. It is Spirit and it is Life and all divine truth is found there and nowhere else.
- 6 days ago
I am fine with an afterlife. I just don't like that it amounts to a highschool popularity contest to see who gets in. Do you go to the right club, wear the right clothes, say the right prayer. It's ridiculous to think eternity rests on such superficial and geographical determinations.
- ?Lv 77 days ago
As an atheist, I'd vote for a divine realm and a chocolate mousse every Sunday night. But hope isn't going to make those things exist.
"We are but a moment's sunlight fading in the grass."
- Phil MLv 77 days ago
It is a shame there are people that would have no hope without religion. I cannot understand this at all.
- ?Lv 71 week ago
"RATHER " adverb used to indicate a PREFERENCE in a particular matter
ATHEIST my use of the word .a PERSON not convinced of a specific claim proposition allegation that of god(s) presented and promoted by certain people termed THEIST
HOPE a HUMAN EMOTION , a persons feeling of EXPECTATION and desire for a certain thing ( event ) to happen / occur
i have a REASONABLE , expectation that Nancy will develop certain skills and knowledge to graduate from college ....based on the demonstration people have achieved a college education
PSYCHOLOGY TODAY Dec 26 2011 article sub titled" HOPE involves the WILL
to get there and the different WAYS to get there " TALENT skill and ability alone will not get you there research shows its HOPE aka the WILL
HOPE allows people to approach PROBLEMS with a mind set of STRATEGY -set suitable to success increasing the CHANCES of reaching a goal its a dynamic COGNITIVE motivational SYSTEM ..
.EMOTIONS follow cognition NOT the other way around hope leads to LEARNING GOALS HOPEFUL people do NOT SIMPLY BELIEVE "GOOD" things will happen they BELIEVE their ACTIONS can bring about the DESIRED GOALS .. which goes more to HUMANISM HUMAN ACTION than the god proposition and that of HEAVEN HELL concept of many religions
- ArtemiscLv 71 week ago
I don't give "divine realms", (whatever your particular religion defines that as), much thought. I hope for things, but I don't pray they happen as praying is a waste of time.
- ?Lv 71 week ago
I'm sorry that the only hope in your life is a fantasy about an after-life paradise. Your life must really suck. Some of us would prefer to make life better here and now rather than sitting back and waiting for some reward after death. Why are you against helping people in this life, against trying to make things better for people here and now? Why does your religion teach you that there is no hope for this life?
- Anonymous1 week ago
Oh yes!! I'd rather gnash my teeth, and then
watch some clown walk on water and curse fig trees too!
- bender_xr217Lv 71 week ago
It's not a matter of what I'd "rather"... it's a matter of what IS and what is NOT.
If all it took was believing a thing to make it true, I'd have been a billionaire YEARS ago.
- Anonymous1 week ago
That infinitely better than them existing for sure.