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Atheists, why have you never been able to disprove God?
32 Answers
- sk8terboy1963Lv 46 days ago
Believers: Why have you NEVER actually demonstrated your deity?
Religion is nothing more than an assumed conclusion based on suspect claims from dubious sources supported by logical fallacies nested within circular reasoning bringing you back to the assumed conclusion. It is dishonest to assert as fact that which is not evidently true. Yet that is what religion does. It tries very hard to assert as fact things that we already know are not true or even possible. If you had a good reason to believe, then you would never need any kind of faith. Ancient superstitious nonsense and woo woo written by primitive savages that had no idea of the natural world around them or how it even worked. Fact.
- antoniusLv 77 days ago
Well you and all your believer buddies claim you know for a fact that a god exists, so prove it already and stop trying to blame atheists; you claim your god exists so prove it. And No Paul, oxygen does not play a part in believers' god claim. And you know that they have no proof for a god; those millions are just like you, they are indoctrinated and brainwashed to believe in that hocus-pocus. Instead of always making excuses why not prove that god. I know that you cannot,and no other believer can either. You only have a belief., and there is no reality being experienced as you claim, and that is also another excuse for not providing proof that your god exists.
- Anonymous7 days ago
Ah, the hourly fallacious shifting of the burden of proof by a theist. I will miss it so.
The claim that a god exists is made without evidence, so it can be rejected without evidence.
- Phil MLv 77 days ago
I have never felt a need to. The fact that you seem to feel you have won some kind of victory on this point is laughable. We all know it is not even possible to prove that something doesn't exist.
- ?Lv 71 week ago
Not my problem. You claim that God exists, it's up to you to provide proof. As for me, I claim that leprechauns don't exist, and I'm working hard on a proof (so far no results).
- Anonymous1 week ago
There is no need to disprove that which does not occur.