Yahoo Answers is shutting down on 4 May 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.
Where will you losers go to answer questions?
Yahoo answers is shutting down in two days. Are you finally going to use reddit like normal people?
11 Answers
- 6 days ago
This loser has been on SimilarWorlds for years. I jump from site to site but it's been my main one to use. I'm not a fan of reddit so, I guess I'm not normal. :-(
- 6 days ago
Like blue, I'm already over at similarworlds, it's a fun place, and they are updating with new features all the time. Free to use but you can pay for some special features
- 6 days ago
Definitely Similar Worlds, it has the same kind of format and it's really chill there.
I've made a lot of good friends there too.
- Anonymous1 week ago
One thing I really don't like about Reddit is it has a bot that shadowbans users- users who are suspected of being trolls/spammers. It isn't perfect and shadowbans legitimate users. One thing that triggers a shadowban is only talking about the one thing, so you have to vary the topics you post about.
Shadowban means your posts don't appear to anyone except yourself and the site doesn't tell you this (unless you use another browser to see your own posts).
It's happened to be twice. It sucks I can't be bothered with it and having to keep making new accounts.
- Anonymous1 week ago
Oh grow up. I'm getting away from people like you.
- ?Lv 61 week ago
This loser uses both. There's an underscore in my name there though.
Source(s): My heights aren't limited to preconceived notions or measurements.