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Why do atheists find it difficult to understand the fact that without God existence is ultimately purposeless?
20 Answers
- ?Lv 76 days agoFavourite answer
Correct, however without God existence is not just purposeless, it is also impossible.
- Anonymous7 days ago
We understand your claim that without God existence is ultimately purposeless, we simply realize it is false. Just like your claim of a god existing in the first place.
- 7 days ago
"If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward then brother that person is a piece of sh*t. And I'd like to get as many of them out in the open as possible." ~ Rustin Cohle
- 7 days ago
Purpose does not require a God. Purpose is something that only you can decide for yourself.
- bender_xr217Lv 77 days ago
I don't need an imaginary friend to find value in my life.
I am so sorry for you, that you do.
- Anonymous7 days ago
So your purpose in life is to suck up to an invisible murderous magical tyrant?
Wow, your life must be so sad.
- Anonymous7 days ago
Our purpose is pretty simple. Reproduce. That's the base purpose of every living thing we've encountered on this rock. Beyond that, it's food, and sleep/shelter. Keep the offspring alive, if possible. Rinse and repeat.
You can't even prove your god exists outside of your tiny, brainwashed skull. Why would Anyone who understands how reality functions buy into your unfounded Bullsh*t?
The simple fact is this: If you christian (but this applies to other Theists too) COWARDS didn't BRAINWASH YOUR CHILDREN, your pathetic cults would die off in 1-3 generations. As it stands, in that period of time you'll all probably be worshiping Allah and Mohammed instead. Once the american right realizes Sharia Law is a free pass to treat, or not treat, with people they don't want to treat with, they're going to swallow the muslim BS just as eagerly as they swallowed for jesus.
- ?Lv 67 days ago
My purpose was to raise three children on my own.
They also do not pay ten percent of their firstfruits to some con artist with a collar.
Source(s): We'll have a sermon, and a wonderful recital. - 7 days ago
Why do you find it difficult to understand that we don't share the same fundamental view about the purpose of life. I don't need a magic man in the sky to tell me how special life is. Simple statistics can tell me how lucky I am to be alive.