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Anonymous asked in SportsFootballEnglish Football · 7 days ago

What do you think about the new Super League and the clubs who joined them? Will you remain a supporter of these clubs or support a smaller?


4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago
    Favourite answer

    I support Celtic and Everton so this won't affect me but I think it's disgraceful and we could end up with two european confederations competing against one another for players and fans if it goes ahead, I also don't know how they can label it a "super league" when there are teams in it that have never won a European competition, the release just before the new CL format is to be announced is a direct clash too, many fans will stop supporting these clubs if this goes ahead, I think it will be abandoned anyway with the backlash from fans and domestic league authorities who are already talking about throwing teams out of their domestic leagues, I'd love the old cup winners cup to come back and scrap the europa league but that's it

  • Adam
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    Expected this. Going to happen at some point as the club's get bigger. It's a move to the American model which grants an exclusive set of clubs all the revenue. If you back American sports leagues but are against this you are a hypocrite.

    My honest opinion... It's a power play to guarentee those clubs champions League every year. It won't go through, UEFA and FIFA will cave as without the biggest clubs their competitions are irrelevant. The bigger clubs will get their own way, so it's imperative that UEFA find a compromise that keeps some sporting merit in play

  • **** this greedy capitalist league. They have just torn the game apart.

    join EFS alternative forum, click Llnk below, Aces is the admin

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 days ago

    i dont know anything about them

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