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Do trans (M2F) people believe they will actually find someone who loved them?

I conducted a survey among college kids and some older people.

The forum question was answered anonymously among 100+ people

Not even a single straight man said they would ever consider a serious relationship with a trans, however 4% stated they wouldn't mind trying out for a one night stand.

The reason I say this is because I watched documentaries about lives of transgender people and the ones 60+ in age is always single and regrets the gender reassignment surgery stating the 'hole' is basically a wound that heals up if not 'used'.

So I don't understand  what trans people look forward to in life?

My personal opinion on trans people after research is that its a form of mental illness that can lead to self harm, however, if the person is happy to be trans and can lead a normal life we must let them be and treat them as anyone else (nothing more or nothing less)

But with so much suicide rate among trans I believe there should be a research on 'cure' people people who seem unsatisfied or high risk of suicide and regret later on in life.

Updated 7 days ago:

As you can see there are many grammatical error feel free to correct me as English is not my first language, I would like to improve.

Updated 7 days ago:

Also I mentioned specifically M2F was because I have not done much research on F2M transitions, I am in the process of going though more medical journals and interviewing some that I personally know.

Updated 6 days ago:

Reply to NineTeen, I tried to use a wide demography the best I could (Majority of them were college students but of different background and nationalities). However, samples are just samples yes.

The 'cure' I speak of is not for everyone who identifies as a transexuals, as some are happy with how they are and function like anyone else would in society. But some always have this constant self/identity doubt then never seems to perish, those people do require help, there has to be *Continued* ->

Updated 6 days ago:

Psychological/hormonal/mental development that need to be taken into factors and be evaluated in a way to help these people, to this day no such research exist because of the core LGBT movement calling them transphobes and such, those are the kind of people you see in parades flashing around naked, but the struggles of everyday transgender people who are quietly suffering are ignored. But I do appreciate you understanding what I am trying to say and giving me more ideas to research on. Thank you

6 Answers

  • 6 days ago

    People that want kids will not marry them 

  • 6 days ago

    There are plenty of people who would date a trans person. You just have to find them. I would date a trans woman. I know many others would as well. Trans people don't need a "cure," unless you mean transitioning, because that is helpful for many. 

    Also, I'm pretty sure the thing about the "hole" needing be used refers to dilation. 

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    Ouch, that's depressing. This is why they're so angry at us and try to demand we sleep with them as a civil right. There will be no research on trying to cure them--it's banned, it's considered "conversion therapy" (even though it's literally the opposite since trans=conversion therapy). I feel bad for the kids who got brainwashed and groomed into this but I lost most of my sympathy for the adults.

  • 6 days ago

    Gender dysphoria is a mental illness that should be addressed as such, rather than just telling people "It's okay, you are normal!" and then leaving them to wonder why they are so utterly and hopelessly depressed.  With a post surgery suicide rate that is higher than pre-op, the logical conclusion is that the realization that THIS didn't fix anything they were feeling.  Address the self hatred and loathing rather than trying to act like it is something that should be accepted, or worse, applauded.

  • 7 days ago

    You seem very focusses on the idea of sex and relationships here.  Many trans people are asexual and aromantic, and we don't transition to find love.  It is a mental illness which can be managed by transition.  Also, I know a number of trans women who are in relationships, including people in their sixties, so I would question your sample.  Maybe people change their minds.

    There is research into a cure.  That's what transition is.  It's also established that it doesn't change.

  • 7 days ago

    It's a hole that needs to be dilated by manually inserting a rod into it everyday. Disgusting the lengths people will go to just to avoid reality. That's why us superstraights don't want to be involved with them. 

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