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No atheists KNOW God doesn't exist, they have FAITH he doesn't exist. No Christians KNOW God exists, they have FAITH he exists........?
I have finally found something atheists and Christians have in common regarding God. What is it? They both have a very strong FAITH.
Will you all now come together?
18 Answers
- Anonymous4 years agoFavourite answer
No atheists 'know" you liar c u n t.
- ?Lv 74 years ago
Atheists don't know God doesn't exist, because knowledge requires evidence, and there is no such thing as evidence of non-existence. Christians know God exists because God provides abundant evidence to those who are open to truth, is active in our individual lives in hundreds of different ways, and has done thousands of different things for which there is no possible natural explanation.
- PubliusLv 74 years ago
No, because you're wrong about one little detail. Every year millions experience God for themselves. Atheists should, too. It's the logical thing to do. Never let them move the goalposts. It's more evidence than they have to shore up their fantasy that there is no God.
- ?Lv 64 years ago
Christians more than know Jehovah God exists, is real and active but have posted tons of evidence, solid undeniable proof; sadly it is ignored and rejected.
...Show more - ?Lv 44 years ago
One does not have "faith" something does not exist if they simply do not believe it exists.
Do you have faith Odin and Osiris and Quatzlcoatl do not exist?
Or do you simply not believe they exist?
- Simon TLv 74 years ago
How strong a faith do you need to think that Zeus does not exist? Or that a dragon is not about to eat you? Or that your spouse is not secretly a spy for Luxembourg, trying to get state secrets from you?
Some things that have two choices are equally likely - toss a coin and heads or tails is 50/50.
But just because there are only two choices does not mean that both answers are equally likely - a coil landing with a face up is not equally likely as the coin landing on it's edge.
The "faith" needed to say "God does not exist" is the same level of "faith" needed to say "The Earth is not a flat disk"
...Show more - 4 years ago
I think it would be a positive change in the world if we all agreed to be agnostic.
I don't know if god exist
Neither do I
So I guess we don't have anything to fight about
...Show more - MalcolmLv 74 years ago
But "faith is the substance of things HOPED for, the evidence of things not see." (Heb. 11:1) Christians have HOPE, Rom. 8:24. Atheists have .... well, you know. John 3:18.
- ?Lv 54 years ago
The Roman and the Greek Gods disappeared into history as will the 2500 Gods worshipped now. And Jesus was coming back 2000 years ago -now. Just insanity.
- 4 years ago
Get together with the Atheists, and accompany them to see the monkeys at Circus Maximus?
- .Lv 74 years ago
I look at it differently. I think atheists aren't disturbed by not knowing how the world was fortuitously designed for them or came into existence. They just go along their merry way, without letting it disrupt their day. In other words, buildings and bananas have creative designs and purposes, but we don't always know the architect's name. All humans understand the basic needs, instincts, and enjoyments that they have and they are sufficient unto themselves. We don't know the origin of every blessing in our lives, but it would be counter-productive to fret about things we can't know and don't need to know.