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Lv 7
Marvin asked in Computers & InternetSoftware · 6 days ago

International contract work?

In addition to my day job, I am doing some work for a company in Malaysia.  I used to do this stuff a lot when I lived in Singapore.  They paid me via Western Union and I paid no tax on it.

I am now back home in LA. I just quoted a company in Malaysia $4000 to write some software (Raspberry Pi) and provide full source code, and a burnable software image. It will take only one weekend, and maybe another to document it.

Now that I am back in the USA, how do I deal with taxes?  In Singapore it was easy, but the USA is kind of jerky about this sort of thing.

1 Answer

  • 6 days ago

    Are you a US Citizen?  If so, then yes, you will need to claim the income. If you are not a citizen, then you may be off the hook. I would check with a local CPA or Tax Attorney about this situation. 

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