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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsMedicine · 6 days ago

What should I expect when I go to get my Covid shot?

I assume there will be lots of crowding, people not socially distancing, not wearing their masks properly, some might be coughing, so I should take a good dose of Valium before I go, but what about after I get my shot?  What's this I hear about being placed into some monitoring room?  I won't be able to leave right away? 

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    I got my first shot last week.

    No crowding, everyone was wearing a mask.

    Yes, I was asked to wait in another area for 15 minutes to make sure I didn't have any reaction (that is standard protocol for all vaccines, not just COVID).

    You could leave right away, but then what if you happen to be one of the very few that has a reaction and you are on the road somewhere?

  • 6 days ago

    Well organized, everyone observing safety protocols, lines move quickly.  After injection 'waiting time' is to be sure you don't have any serious side effects - 99.99% of people do not and can leave in 15 minutes.  If you have a history of allergic reactions, they may want you to wait 30 minutes.  Side effects are usually minimal - In my case, after the second shot my normal 20 minute afternoon siesta lasted 2 hours.  Fine after that. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    No idea to tell you the truth but I just took a quick drive over to the vaccination site I'll be going to.  I like to know where I'm going, decreases the anxiety and such. The place was a mob, a cluster ****, people everywhere, all seemingly in a hurry, masks half off, many with little kids with them running around. Probably the most people I have seen in a year now.

  • 6 days ago

    none of that happens. no one is crowding. no, you will be observed for 15 minutes and you are spaced out in chairs. You certainly dont need a valium.

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