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Atheists, what if people dont believe in God, but they fear the degeneracy of socialism. So a lie with good culture is better than?

Socialist fart sniffers. Basically. Social conservative forces may think its all bollocks.... But if the future is cover themselves in feces.... and yeah -_- i guess fantasy sky fairies is more tempting is all

Updated 7 days ago:


Social democracy is not socialism. I live in Norway. Its capitalism with safety net. Bernie is a fraud since he believes in Social democracy with elements of social justice of democratic socialism. You cant be both. Either case. You are either a capitalist or a socialist on the bottom societal strucutre.

Updated 7 days ago:

@God of ThunderLv 7

American socialist propaganda. Look up labour party of Norway on wikipedia, i swear to god the liberal ego in USA dont even bother getting the right facts. SOCIAL DEMOCRACY. Get it right

8 Answers

  • 6 days ago

    Blew out a FET driven output today

  • Archer
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    Most "Socialists" actually know little about Socialism. They "know" only what they have been sold.

  • David
    Lv 5
    7 days ago

    Fearing the consequences of political or social constructs is fine, but demanding everyone follow suit is a dictatorship.

  • 7 days ago

    do not worry about them...we have warned them many times that JUDGMENT WILL COME...RAPTURE WILL BE FIRST.

  • 7 days ago

    Then don't go for socialism? Not like Jesus is a great defense against it. Not hard to look up the history of socialist Christian communes like the Shakers or those Oneida guys. Yes, the same ones who make silverware today.

    Source(s): Besides, there are lots of atheists with political views similar to your's. Ayn Rand is basically a rock star in your circles, isn't she?
  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 days ago

    What some Democrats favor is social democracy.  It's exactly what Norway has.  Don't join in the lies being spread by the GOP. 

    For those who think Norway is a socialist sh!thole, look at this:

    Attachment image
  • 7 days ago

    The lack of evidence for any gods to exist has nothing to do with human political organization.  Some people want to connect religion and politics but I think that's not a good idea.  Thinking about things in terms of "all or none" is not appropriate for politics.  The word "socialism" can be defined in various ways, capitalism with a safety net is one such way.  It's about how much not about all or none.

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    None of that makes sense.

    The happiest nations are those that have partly socialistic leanings. That means that people are looked after.

    I do not think anyone wants a full socialist state, however some socialist practices are good for a country.

    And it has nothing to do with sky fairies.

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