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What do the teens stream?


for university-reasons I need to know what people between the ages of approximately 13-19 like to watch on the internet. It has to be video content, popular stuff like YouTube-videos and such, links would be appreciated.

An important term for my research is authenticity.

Also, what TV-Shows/Movies do teens watch on the big websites?

Do you know a teen that consumes such media? Are you a teen doing that?

Let me know, and remember.

We did it for the sciece.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    Probably games. Like Minecraft, Warcraft, Fortnite, Overwatch, etc. Just look at what's most popular on Twitch. Check multiple days, since twitch doesn't keep lengthy records anymore.

    Going by what I've seen on Netflix (keep in mind this might be skewed for my specific preferences, but I don't watch these shows so who knows) it tends to be anime, like Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, or Castlevania. Also cartoons, like Avatar TLA/Korra, Dragon Prince, etc. Beyond that i've also seen the Vampire drama shows trend, so Vampire Diaries and such. There's also usually at least one of the Star Trek series in there too.

    And no, I'm not a teen.

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