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My friends think my husband abuses me. ?

My husband has gained about 30 pounds since the beginning of the quarantine. My friends joked around with him and asked him what he’s been eating. Long story short, they found out that I have been doing most of the cooking and cleaning our entire marriage. 

I was in an abusive relationship before I met my husband and my ex would hit me if I didn’t cook or clean the way he wanted me to. He thought it was a woman’s job to do those things. I think that’s the reason my friends are asking me if the same thing is going on with my husband. They suspect that he’s abusive. My husband is definitely not abusive, he never asks me or tells me to cook and clean, I do it voluntarily because I like doing it. I guess I could be considered “old fashioned”. I am better at cooking than he is lol 

I really don’t want my friends to think that my husband abuses me. He’s the sweetest and most easygoing guy I’ve ever met. But I don’t know if they completely believe me or not. 

4 Answers

  • 6 days ago

    So? Tell them "

    He’s the sweetest and most easygoing guy I’ve ever met." End of subject.

    Whether they believe you or not is immaterial. YOU know.

    Accept that this is coming from their love and affection for you, and based on your past history. They will accept himas they get to know him.

  • i + i
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    Are you asking us if your friend thinks 

    your husband abuses you? Well, it would 

    appear that yes they think this, since you 

    just told in this post. Now what?

    ... and why is this posted over and over?

  • 6 days ago

    You know the truth, and that's what matters most

  • 6 days ago

    Okay then, but what's your question? What are you asking us?

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