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Slide in Truck Camper?

How do I load this camper from an 8 ft long bad to a 6 and a half ft bed pickup truck?


Updated 6 days ago:

I have to move this camper from Denver, CO to Huntsville, AL

Updated 6 days ago:

How do I make 6.5 equals 8.0?

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2 Answers

  • CB
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    You DON'T - the camper is designed for an 8 ft bed. 6.5 does not equal 8.

  • 6 days ago

    I guess you slide it on as far as you can and just let the rest hang out behind.  It will be pretty heavy way out back.  Your rear suspension will tend to bottom out and your front wheels will be light on the ground.   Do not go anywhere far or fast.

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