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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 6 days ago

Should I be worried about being pregnant?

Last month I was worried I could get pregnant after something traumatic happened, so I took a plan b pill. I got my period a week or less later, and I know it's NOT just spotting or anything like that because it lasted for 5-7 days like a normal period should. (Plus I shed some lining). Recently, I've had some tenderness on the sides of my breasts, right now I have some lower back / pelvic discomfort, and I think I feel and look bloated. After what happened last month, I've been staring at the mirror wondering if it's bloating or a baby bump. I try to remind myself that the plan b worked, I had my period last month, so I shouldn't have anything to worry about. Right? Please. I need some answers. I haven't done anything sexual with anyone since last month when the event occurred; I couldn't possibly be pregnant... Right?

3 Answers

  • helene
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    Take a damned test if you want to know. I'm tired of coddling you neurotic sissy morons.

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    No. You shouldn't be worried. 

  • 6 days ago

    If you haven't been with anyone recently, and haven't done anything sexual with them, don't worry! You're fine hun!! x You had your period last month. A woman cannot be pregnant and still have her period because you shed the lining of your uterus for a baby to grow there, and if you had your period after taking plan b, that means it worked!! I'm sorry if you're stressed. You can get through this!! Talk with a doctor. They're understanding no matter what you've been through. I promise. But bloating can come before, during, and after a period, up to a week or two before it can happen; so your period may be coming soon. If you've been feeling like you'll throw up after what happened, you may be pregnant. If you're sick to foods now, or craving foods, you may be pregnant. But hun I dont think you are. If you had your period last month, you should be fine. x Sorry that this is so long. 

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