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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingNewborn & Baby · 6 days ago

Can I profit off of my babies first words being "McDonalds"?

My baby is seven months old and has been a talker (well makes a lot of sounds) for what feels like longer. He has said the common sounds "mama" and "dada" but the other day he said very clearly "McDonalds". I have no video or audio proof, but could I profit off this in anyway? I know some people in the news get cars for naming their kid after some brand. So what can I ask for?

Thanks Yahoo and MBMBaM

1 Answer

  • 6 days ago

    My baby's first word was "9/11" and it made flying a ******* nightmare. Though George W. Bush did send us a check to surrender the child to Abu Ghraib prison so I think you can get paid too if you don't give your kid a heart attack first with all those happy meals.

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