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Should I do do a tab of LSD before my guests arrive?

I'm holding a little vaccinated-people-only cook-out at my chateau in Santa Monica, and usually during my shindigs, we'll throw on some top 40s from the 2010s, 2020s, and today, we'll eat entire cubes of caviar, chant "USA" for three hours, and listen to Steve Jackson himself wax philosophical about the moral quandary facing Truman during the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. But this time, I was wondering if I should put a tab of LSD on my tongue before they get here, just so I can be in a psychedelic state of mind right off the bat, ready to posit and contemplate. Sometimes I'm not "far out" enough when my guests arrive- if that makes sense. So, that's the question, ladies and gents. Do I or don't I? Thanks for the advice, y'all. :)

1 Answer

  • 6 days ago


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