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Lv 5

Should I feel bad that I never pay for my boyfriends meals? ?

I'm 6 weeks away from graduating from my college program. Money is becoming tight. I'm not getting anymore student loans, things still cost money, and i'm not getting any kind of income. My boyfriend recently got a new job and is basically making bank. He has on occasions paid for my meals, but now he always covers the bill. I feel bad, because at least before his new job I was paying for myself, but now he's paying for me. Which is secretly really nice because I honestly can't afford to go out. When I was working on occasion I'd cover him, not as much as he's covered me, but again, I was working minimum wage at the time. 

I've tried to cut back on our eating out because as a couple we eat out way too much. He comes over on the weekend, friday we go out, Saturday we each go to the store and pick up food, or I meal plan and we make something together. I pay for the home cooked stuff, and things he wants from the stores like chips, pop, or if he wants a thing of sushi. I try to be a good girlfriend, but I feel bad, and I know he's covering me because he knows i'm poor. I'd pay for him if I had the money. Should I feel bad? 

1 Answer

  • 6 days ago

    No the man is always supposed to pay. I pay for everything rent, bills, groceries and more. My girlfriend is not even poor. I am the man so I gotta pay. 

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