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Lv 2474 points

Steve Lucky

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  • Goose down sleeping Bag?

    Hi, I want to buy a 950 Fill North Face Goose Down sleeping bag.

    I want to use this to sleep in on top of my Memory foam mattress. How many times can I sleep in it without washing it? I will have Pajamas on and I never really sweat.

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry7 days ago
  • Need help on Roommate who is using Drugs?

    Guys, I am a Male and so is my Roommate, I live in Mental health housing and my Roommate is using. I know if the housing agency finds out they will kick his *** out. I have been lending him money left and right for using and drinking. I do this because I feel if I don't he might attack me. Also, I feel if I let the agency know he might come after me. How should I approach this thanks

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate4 months ago
  • Guys need help do I have a malpractice claim?

    Guys need help do I have a malpractice claim. I am from Long Island New York. I saw a doctor 2 months ago for the first time who prescribed me 4 different psych meds. One in a controlled substance. Well, the agreement was that she was supposed to follow up with me in 30 days to refill meds and see how I was doing. Well, I have not heard back from her office in over 6 weeks. I went down there and there was a note on the door that said they are only doing virtual telephone/video visits at this time. I have been calling them and emailing them and texting them every day for 6 weeks. How can a doctor do this to me? I cant go see another doctor because this is the only psych doctor that takes my insurance in a 100-mile radius from where I live. Just wondering because even my primary care doctor and pharmacist tried to get in touch with the doctor no callback. Do you think I have a case of neglect against the doctor because my symptoms are starting to get worse because I can't get the medicine. 

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 months ago
  • E-coli found in my towns water supply.?

    E-coli in drinking water? Hi My town issued a boiling water Alert yesterday around 3PM. I drank about 5 cups of water since I heard the news and then stopped. Now I only use bottled water. Am I safe I have no symptoms. I am also recovering from recent major surgery. I heard it can take days for sysptoms to appear. Is this true? Please respond

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases2 years ago
  • Colonoscopy Prep Questions with Colon Hydrotherphy?

    Hi I am Having a Colonscopy done this Monday at 1:00pm the 13 of April. I have started to fast and drink only clear liquids. I am have Colon Hydrotherphy done instead of drinking that prep. I had one done yesterday the 10 and today the 11. I am also having one more done on the 13 the morning before my test. Is itr okay to have this done the day of the test?

    2 AnswersMedicine6 years ago
  • accident Settlement offer help?

    Hi Stephen here from New York I am on Medicaid and won a Injury case where someone hit me from behind when I was stopped at a red light. I won 25 thousand after lawyer fees. So my Lawyer told me the check needs to be put into a special needs trust fund so I do not loose my medicaid. I am okay with this and so is my dad. The settlement was reached 7 days ago and I accepted the offer. How much Longer will it take to get a specail needs trust fund made up does this take years days what? My lawer told me he should have the check in 2 weeks or less. So will the Trust fund have to be done by then? When should I asspect to have the money in my Special Needs Trust Fund Account he is going to set up for me? How long should this all take some told me 30 days or less is this true? Respond all with any and all help

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • Electronics extended warranty?

    Hi Stephen here I brought a Extended Warranty from my Local Electronics store 3 weeks ago on a 55" tv I brought can I get a refund I do not think I will ever use it thanks. All I want is store credit in what I apid for the Warranty

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • appendectomy Surgery Pain Help?

    Hi all my Brother is in the hospital and just had a appendectomy with 3 small cuts the labosoptic way. No rupture at all just a Simple operation 2 days ago. He is in severe pain and crying and the doctor is throwing him out Tomorrow. He tells the family he needs to grow up and be a man he is 26 years old. Any suggestions on how we the family can make the doctor tell the hospital to keep him a few more days because of his pain. Will it help to speak to the social worker or Hospital President. Just wondering

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Hyundai Elantra 2010 Help?

    Hi Stephen here from New York. I just brought a used Hyundai Elantra year is 2010 for 10,000 dollars. Is has 31,000 miles on it. Have a quick question what do you think of if the breaks and tires are bad should the dealer fix them or not. I mean the car is going to be inspected by my Mechanic. If he finds problems with these should I make the dealer fix them or is it my problem. I mean I am going to pick up the car on Monday and the first place it is going is to my Mechanic. What do I do if he finds problems with the tires and breaks? The car looks spotless and the test drive I did was pretty good. So I am just wondering and saying this because the car has a little less then 31,000 miles on it and I do not know if this is high mileage to worry about these things? Also if my mechanic finds a problem with tires or breaks what should be done thanks by the dealer. The dealer has been in business over 45 years and has a A- rating on Please respond all with any help thanks

    2 AnswersHyundai9 years ago
  • Hospital Blood Test Results?

    Hi Stephen here from New York. I was in the Hospital for 6 days for a bad lung infection. They drew more blood on me then carders got pills. My new Doctors I never seen before I am seeing tomorrow want a copy of blood work from the hospital. How do I get this just go to Hospital or what?

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases10 years ago
  • why is my sugar high at 245?

    Why is my sugar high I am in the hospital for a lung infection snd it is 85 in the mornong at after

    Breakfast it goes as high as 280 and at night it is about 75 and before dinner it is about 100.

    I am not overweight I weight 125 pounds and am a white male 36 yeaRs old. What

    Could be the problem my doctors in the hospital tell me I am not dibatic what could be wrong.

    Am I okay with these high numbers. They tell me because I am.sick with the infection

    That is why sugar is high. Funny how it only goes high right before lunch. Then is normal

    The rest of the day. My sugars are normal at.home all the.time. do I have dibatics or not. Resins with all and any help.

    4 AnswersDiabetes10 years ago
  • Memory Foam Mattress help?

    Hi all have a question I just got a new 12" Memory Foam Mattress about 2 Months Ago. I have a Bed Bug problem in my House and they are spraying everything in my house with the spray. Is it safe to spray my Memory Foam Mattress I also have a Bamboo Cover on it as well. So it is safe for the Exterminators to spray my mattress as well? Keep in mind I will not be sleeping on my mattress until 10 hours after they spray it?I am just asking because memory Foam is not like a regular mattress? Respond all please thanks..

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden10 years ago
  • Employer will not let me return to work?

    Hi Stephen here from Long Island My Employer will not let me return to work because I have bed bugs bites on me. I am pissed off and need the Money and need to return to work. My Employer told me I can return to work in about 3 Months., I have Several Doctors Notes saying I can return to work I am not a bad case and have very few bites on me. What can I do hire a Lawyer? How to I know My Employer know I did not get them from the place where I work at? What can I do I really need to return to work A.S.A.P. would a Employment lawyer help in your Opinion or what? Because I feel like I am being wrongfully discriminated angst big time.I mean how can the Nurse at work tell me because of my Bed Bug Bites I can not return to work for several Months. Plus I will not be getting paid for my time off from work either. Respond what my Rights are if any I am am dam good worker and have never been late ounce sine the 12 years I worked here?

    6 AnswersLaw & Legal10 years ago
  • Car Accident 45 Days Ago and Still Severe Pain?

    Hi Stephen here from Long Island. I was in a Car Accident 45 days ago and Still Severe Pain. I was stopped at a red light and someone hits me from Behind. I was the only one in the car. they told me I have herniated 3 disc 1 in my neck and 2 in my back and have nerve damage. I am still in Severe pain 45 days later. I am on a Morphine Patch and that is not helping much at all. I was on Codeine but the doctor gave me the Patch because he saw me crying and in so much pain. Am I making a Mountain out of a Mole hill or is this Normal. I been going through Psychical Therapy and that is not helping worth a Dame. They gave me a Pain/Numbing shot in my back and that has not helped either. I see a Spine Doctor on Monday of the coming week. What will he do I want to have surgery but can he do it if I ask him to nicely be3cause of my severe Pain. Also I have not got a lawyer yet any good? Respond what this Severe Pain could be?

    2 AnswersInjuries10 years ago
  • First memory Foam Mattress help?

    Hi I have a Memory Foam Mattress I got for the first Time from Amazon a 12" one. I just received it yesterday. It is a twin size. I have it in the den airing out on top of the Twin wood Platform I brought at my local bed store. Is it okay to air it out the way I am or should I stand it up agenest the wall to air it out. Also should I remove the bamboo cover to air it out or leave it on? Please respond all with any and all help thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden10 years ago
  • Accident In Company Car In Pain?

    Hi Steve here from New York. I was in a Accident in a company car a week ago while I was driving it. I was the only one in the Company car it was 2002 Ford Focus. I went to the Hospital that day a week ago and they told me I have a Fractured Neck and Severe Whiplash. I am in Severe pain now that is going up and down my Spine. The accident was I was stopped at a red light and someone hits the company car from behind and the car goes about 3 feet past the red light. I have been driving and approved to drive for the company 10 years ago. My License is totally clean. Who Pays for my doctors bills. because I am now in severe pain and need to see a spine doctor and my Job/Company I work for is not helping me out that much. Also the pain just started to travel down my spine 3 days ago and I am in severe pain anything to worry about or is it normal from the accident. Respond with any and all help thanks

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration10 years ago
  • Am I Underweight 5'9 124lbs?

    Hi I been sick with the flu finally getting better and am eating now. I am a White Male 35 years old 5"9 124 lbs. Am I to thin or underweight. Because I lost over 25 lbs while I was sick. Before I got sick I was about 148. Today I weighted myself and I am 124 lbs. Am I to thin or what? I am nervous because I am still Loosing weight about a pound every day or so. Respond thanks. I need to gain it back quickly and I need help because I am still loosing weight. How can I stop my body from loosing and start to gain it back. Respond thanks

    1 AnswerDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Sick for 12 days help?

    Hi Stephen here I have been sick for over 12 days my doctor just keeps on telling me all I have is bronchitics and a touch of the flu. My sysptomns are chills body aches and weight loss and no Appetite and some cough but none thing is brought up. Also I still can not go to work because I have no energy and am weak as heck. I was on antibiotics 2 different kinds and now they both are finished. I am just wondering could I have Mersa Infection or am I just getting to hyper. Because I have no sores or open cuts or pimples at all on my entire body . But I still fell the worst ever. What could be wrong or do I just need more time to get well. I can not eat and have no energy and am loosing weight still and still have a bad cough. Respond thanks

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • How do I know if I have kidney Stones Never had them respond?

    Hi Stephen here from new York. I have been sick for over 2 weeks with the Flu Virus. I have been only Urinating about 2 times a day at the most. Today I started to develop lower back pain. I just drunk 8 glasses of water about 30 Minitues ago and still only gone very little. about a teaspoon full. I have been drinking water and Gatoride every day for about 2 weeks now and Unirate about 2 times a day at most. Could it be kidney Stones as well. my pain in the Lower back is only about 2 on a scale of 1 to 10. I do not want to look like a fool when I call my doctor. Respond all what you thimk

    11 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Temp of 100.9 Should I go to work Tomorrow?

    Hi Stephen here from Long Island. I been sick for 6 days now with Bronchitics. I am on Antibiotics and Finish them today witch is Sunday. My temp ranges from 99.5 to 101.3 at times. I have been taking Tylenol every 4 hours for six days now. I am still Hacking like crazy. Should I go to work or stay home. I see the Doctor Again Wednesday Night. What should I do all thanks

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago