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Lv 43,162 points

Soaring Bird

Favourite answers47%
  • I need a tattoo design for a Phoenix rising from fire?

    I'd like to get a tattoo of a phoenix flying up from a fire (the whole rebirth, renewal theme) but the only ones I've found are HUGE. I love the beautiful details but there's no way I can get one that size.

    Since I want to get it on my wrist, I was hoping someone would know of a website with some nice but smaller designs? Obviously, they don't need to be real detailed, a representation character would be fine too.

    If I can't find anything wrist-size I may have to change locations, but if it's on my back it won't show as much, so yeah ..... :-/

    Thanks for your help! :-)

    6 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • I need help with my fashion style!?

    I am a 40-yr-old mom of 3 teen daughters and I'm having trouble buying clothes that represent my style. My figure is very slender so I can wear tiny junior clothes but I don't want to look like I'm dressing like my daughters.

    I like sleek, sophisticated looks but I do want to bring new, funky items into my wardrobe; just not a lot of tacky trendy things. Bright colors and jewel-tones look great with my olive skin tone. I also like to wear ethnic prints that just seem to mesh well with my ethnic features. But too much color can get a little clownish and the ethnic wear can get a little too hippie sometimes. I need to strike a happy medium!

    I have a very small waist (my best feature) so I like wearing things that accentuate it. I also like styles that are sexy without showing a LOT of skin. Can you help me look great without looking like the mom who is trying to regain her lost youth?

    Online shopping sites & LINKS to suggestions & examples would be really helpful! Thanks! :-)

    7 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago