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What hospital would you go to for emergency abdominal surgery in LA county?
For stuff like appendicitis or bowel perforation?
4 AnswersMedicine3 months agoIs a clear schedule a sign a doctor is bad?
Doc has a great resume, affiliated with quality hospitals and tons of top rated reviews. But...when I went to make an appointment I could pick any time of any day?
4 AnswersOther - General Health Care3 months agoAre doctors declining care due to my insurance plan?
I buy my own individual (non employer based) plan. It's expensive ($20k/year), but the best you can buy in California (major carrier PPO, great coverage). But, although I take no assistance, I use the California state exchange because I was told it can offer group-like benefits not available with individual plans purchased directly.
Active and hard working all my life (58 yo) but recently hurt my back and afraid I'll have to stop work. Multiple surgeons agree MRI looks bad (lumbar herniations, stenosis) but not that bad and refuse to treat.
I've always stayed very fit and participated regularly in extreme activities (boxing, MMA, rock climbing) for 40 years, so no stranger to injury and have worked through them conservatively more than once. There is no way this is ok.
This is the first time I've used individual health insurance, so wondering if there's some unspoken discrimination among medical providers (even though they accept the plan) and wonder if they would be treating if I had an employer based plan?
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5 AnswersInsurance4 months agoTechnically, would this be considered a pre-existing health condition by my carrier?
I've had an individual plan (not employer based) with the same carrier for 18 months. During that time I developed a condition a few months into the plan for which I continue to receive treatment.
If I renew the same plan with the same carrier, would this be considered a pre-existing condition?
5 AnswersInsurance6 months agoWould this be considered a pre-existing health condition?
I've had an individual plan with the same provider for 18 months. During this time I developed a condition for which I will need care in 2020.
Should ACA be repealed would I still be able to renew my policy as this would not really be a pre-existing condition as I did not have until until after starting my account?
3 AnswersInsurance6 months agoHow long does it typically take SCOTUS to rule on a case?
That is, after all arguments have been heard, on average how long before they make their decision? I'm thinking specifically, ACA (CA vs TX).
6 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 months agoCan I get group health insurance with only one person in the company?
I noticed some carriers offer small business group plans of 1 to 100 but they don't say whether that's the number of employees in addition to an owner or the total number of people within the company.
8 AnswersInsurance7 months agoIf I switch from an individual health insurance plan to a group plan, will I have coverage for pre-existing conditions under HIPAA?
I'm covered now, but I am concerned if ACA is overturned I will no longer have protection for pre-existing conditions. I know HIPAA portability provisions product those with group plans but not individual. But what if I go from individual to group? I have had my current insurance for 18 months.
4 AnswersInsurance7 months agoDoes HIPPA protections for pre-existing conditions apply to a group of a single person?
I work contract (no employer based insurance) and so have purchased my own health insurance directly without government assistance. But, I have a pre-existing condition and as I understand that is only protected by ACA and HIPPA. In addition, that latter applies only to group plans and not individual coverage as I have.
With news of ACA potentially being eliminated and looking for ways to retain insurance I have found that CA allows individuals to incorporate a business with just one person and some CA insurance companies provide group plans for groups of one.
Sounds complicated but great if it's true. But, a group of one sounds a little sketchy like there may be loop holes for this where HIPPA wouldn't apply.
Anybody know if such a thing could work?
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 months agoWill I lose health insurance if ACA is eliminated?
I live in CA and have an individual plan I pay myself with no government assistance. It's expensive ($1600/month) but has good benefits. I've had it for 18 months.
I will likely need surgery in 2021. If ACA is eliminated by SCOTUS in November will I lose my insurance and future access to all commercial health insurance providers permanently?
4 AnswersInsurance7 months agoCan state laws protect those with pre-existing conditions from being denied health insurance, should ACA be eliminated? ?
I buy my own health insurance, have an individual plan and pay in full without government assistance and have a pre-existing condition. I live in California which has state laws protecting individuals from being denied health insurance should they have pre-existing conditions.
But wondering a couple things should ACA be eliminated:
1) Will I still have protection regarding denial of coverage through the state laws?
2) Is so, are there state provisions ensuring non-discriminatory practices? Specifically, will those with and without pre-existing conditions be charged the same rates and provided the same coverage for the same plan?
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 months agoHow can I delete my old questions (even those with answers)?
11 AnswersYahoo Answers7 months agoCan you define your political affiliation in 3 words?
Please state what you consider yourself: R, D, I, whatever...
and pick 3 words that best describe what is most important to your political beliefs.
6 AnswersPolitics7 months agoIs there any rule or loophole allowing a public referendum to override the senate to vote on a bill?
Or any other way to more directly allow the populous to enact a law?
I ask because it sometimes appears that the outcome is the opposite of what is reasonably expected due to special interest influence (bribery put less diplomatically).
6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 months agoWhy does our political system permit the continued operation of those that fail at their jobs?
Trump has made mistakes of every kind that would have gotten any corporate CEO sacked.
Aside from a very weak 25th amendment, why does the government have no apolitical safety valve to eliminate such individuals?
4 AnswersPolitics10 months agoDo good PPO individual health insurance plans generally have a nationwide network?
Or are they limited to the state in which you live?
4 AnswersInsurance10 months agoWhy do some people choose not to wear a mask?
I can understand not wanting the government to force them to wear masks, but just the general logic? Why not wear them when (by having everyone wear them), they, themselves are protected and we can reopen the economy sooner?
9 AnswersCurrent Events10 months agoWhy does my Chrome browser screen keep going blank when viewing Yahoo?
Doesn't seem to happen using Edge or when viewing most other sites?
2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products10 months agoWhere is the best place for spine surgery in Los Angeles?
I don't trust rating media. I have found there is a lot of hype and doctors and clinics not nearly that advertised.
Any opinions based on personal experience? UCLA, Cedars, others. or specific doctors for lumbar disectomy would be great!
2 AnswersOther - Diseases11 months ago