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Lv 143 points

Nasim T

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  • Student Loan?

    Hi Everyone, 

    Ive been accepted to do my masters degree in US but my program is not designated when I checked on student aid alberta. I have tried for student line of credit but they are very strict with the co-signer. 

    I really wanna go and study this program. 

    Do you folks know what my alternatives are?


    Financial Aid2 weeks ago
  • Student line of Credit?

    Hey Everyone, 

    I have been accepted to do my Masters of Science in Medical Laboratory Science and I'm looking into getting a student line of credit. 

    I wanted to know which bank is easier to get approved 


  • I did a dental filling on my teeth & now it need a root canal. WHY?

    I had pain in one of my tooth i went to my dentist and he took x ray & said it neet filling. So he did the filling on that tooth & on the same day after the freezing went away I got a horrible pain on that tooth. After 2 days i started getting pain, it woke me up while sleeping, i got pain whenever I would eat something, very sensitive to hot & cold & even when I would brush my teeth i would get pain. After a week I got the filling, I saw my dentist again & he took an x ray & said it need root canal. Now my QUESTION is when you take an x ray doesnt show that the teeth need a root canal not a filling????

    I appreaciate the answer

    2 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • grunge rock question?

    was grunge rock anti neo-classical?

    3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • heavy metal question?

    is there any difference between glam metal & hair metal?

    3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • linkage question help please?

    A DNA marker gene is very closely linked to a rare autosomal dominant

    disease. The dominant disease allele is D and the normal recessive allele is d.

    The marker gene (M) has three alleles 1, 2, and 3. In one informative family, the

    heterozygous affected (D/d) father is also heterozygous for the 1 and 2 alleles of

    the marker. His linkage phase is D with the 1 allele and d with the 2 allele. His

    normal spouse is homozygous for the 3 allele. Their first child is heterozygous

    for the 2 and 3 allele. What is the probability that the child inherited the dominant

    disease allele D if the genetic distance between the marker and disease gene is

    (a) 0 map units

    (b) 1 cM

    (c) 5 cM

    1 AnswerBiology1 decade ago
  • genetics help please?

    sarah & john are a couple and they are having difficulty having children. sarah has had 6 miscarriage. you examine their karyotype. sarah's karyotype is normal but john has a balanced robertson translocation that involves both of his number 21 chromosomes.

    a. how many chromosomes are found in john's karyotype?

    1 AnswerBiology1 decade ago
  • heavy metal & blues question ?

    why would heavy metal incorporate blues in their songs (blues rock)?

    7 AnswersBlues1 decade ago
  • Deep purple question help?

    did deep purple band have blues tradition in their music

    1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • please can someone help me with the music history question below?

    Discuss the role of Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Alice Cooper in regard to the formulation of heavy metal’s fundamental musical ingredients and basic philosophy.Include the following points: Genealogy, including the role of the blues and psychedelic music; The appropriation of classical music; Metal’s main sonic features, including instrumentation, the function of timbre, and the treatment of dissonance; Lyrical content and the role of gothic imagery and fantasy.

    1 AnswerHistory1 decade ago
  • can i get genetics help? thanks?

    If there is 5 different polymorphic alleles in a a population, how many genotypes are homozygous & heterozygou?

    1 AnswerBotany1 decade ago
  • can someone help me with genetics probability? thanks?

    some traits from different pedigrees show autosomal & some x linked. in each family you find one child affected. what recurrence risk did you give the parents for the next child in the family?

    1 AnswerBotany1 decade ago