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"what doesn't kill me only makes me wish it had..."

  • What to do when you have a special needs child?

    My son is 11. He was diagnosed as having static encephalopathy, which means an unchanging defect of the brain. It happened during the developmental process. My problem is that a lot of times, I feel like I am going to lose control with him. My other biological child is "normal", and I have never met another parent with a child like him. He is high functioning, attends school with inclusion, and they make some accommodations for him. My problem is that each day, I feel like I have to teach him the same things over and over and over. There doesn't feel like there is any day that I don't have to walk him through what to do step by step. From getting dressed for school in the morning to bathing at night, I feel like I have to be there for him every moment. Is this normal? Am I normal to feel this way? Are there resources or support groups that are available to me that I just haven't seemed to be able to find? I feel like I am going crazy! Any honest help would be appreciated!

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Reformat Dell Hard Drive?

    given I am not there, and only trying to help over the phone. I have not done this in many years, and cannot remember all of the steps. once the format is complete, and you get back to c:Windows> prompt, what is the next step. everything we put in gives us a response that it is not a supported procedure! any ideas? all I know is that he went in through BIOS, and (we believe) the reformat was a success and he is back at the prompt. from the prompt, he is stuck!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago