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Reformat Dell Hard Drive?
given I am not there, and only trying to help over the phone. I have not done this in many years, and cannot remember all of the steps. once the format is complete, and you get back to c:Windows> prompt, what is the next step. everything we put in gives us a response that it is not a supported procedure! any ideas? all I know is that he went in through BIOS, and (we believe) the reformat was a success and he is back at the prompt. from the prompt, he is stuck!
PS. this is not my computer, and I have never seen the one that is being worked on. my boyfriend is there, and we are trying to work through this over the phone and with internet search. I have no idea what system is (not at the moment) running, and I can't find the answer with search. all I know is that he did the format, wiped the HD, and is not stuck at a prompt. and that I can't find the answer. does restart help here? or is there a command we put in to follow through? or are we just screwed royally? any ideas from here?
2 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
just use system restore in system tools bring ur pc back to day 1
- 1 decade ago
it sounds like the last time you did it was with win 98. all you need to do if you are using windows ( or most other OS) is put in the install CD and boot from that. change the bios boot order to CD first