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What's the next step?
This is further to an earlier posting. My usb ports on the desktop are all working. My computer will not recognize the usb flash drive stick. I took the stick back to Sta*les & the guy there plugged the stick into one of their computers. The stick is live, but did not show up straight away. I can't recall all the steps he took to have that computer read the stick. My technician is very curious as to how the guy got the usb flash drive to show on the store's computer. My tech also said that if all my usb ports are working, the flash drive should be recognized. I've gone into Device Manager & a number of places but the flash drive just isn't showing. No, it isn't in File Explorer where it would usually show up first. I don't have anything marked "unallocated space" either. What's the next step? If I can avoid the cost of repair, I'd like to do that. Thanks in advance!!!
2 AnswersAdd-ons3 weeks agoHow do I get this working??
I have successfully paired my Samsung Galaxy Tablet to my car radio. I'm having trouble getting the music on the tablet to play on the car radio. The car radio is MyLlink.
1 AnswerCar Audio & Electronics3 weeks agoHow do I get this working?
I bought a usb flash drive to enable me to put the music from my computer onto that usb flash stick. I heard a sound when plugging it in the computer, but couldn't find where it would be. It's not in 'file explorer"., "My PC"..nowhere. I went into
Disk Management..not there. Also, there is no "unallocated" space for me to create a removeable drive. When plugging in the usb at the front of my computer it disabled the mouse. Plugging into the back of the computer..enabled the mouse,
but I still couldn't make use of the usb stick.
I don't understand GB's, etc...all I want to do is to put music on the usb stick.
I'm using Windows 10; with the most up-to-date version.
1 AnswerAdd-ons3 weeks agoHave you wondered "why" Hutchinson isn't played much?
Coach Keefe said last night that Hutchinson isn't used to playing back to back games, which is why his body doesn't respond well to it. Well no wonder!! The guy never gets the chance to play very often. There's a big difference between game play & practice. Andersen needs to be traded, it's that simple. Andersen is played
far too much, but Keefe never mentioned that, did he (sarcasm here).
So, have you wondered truly "why" Hutchinson isn't played much?
3 AnswersHockey4 weeks agoWould this mean a person has it, or it's just a possibility??
It it were said..."there's a potential for pneumonia"., does that mean the person has the pneumonia, or that it's just a CHANCE of having it.
I'm thinking CHANCE. If the word "consistent" were used, I'd think there was a strong possibility of having the pneumonia.
3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases4 weeks agoWhy is he played so much?
As per usual, the Leafs put Fredrik Andersen in the net very often. Commentators
have said that Campbell is injured. C'mon what a crock. Leafs acquired Michael Hutchinson a few months back, yet he hasn't seen any action. Why do the Leafs play Andersen so much. It has been said that Hutchinson likely won't ever see any action. The way he was treated a year ago in my opinion was disgusting. If I were him, when the recent trade done a few months back sending me back to Toronto, I'd tell them "play me or trade me, I'm fed up with this".
7 AnswersHockey2 months agoI'm a little hurt, but what should I do?
My g/f told me last night she'd been talking to her adult son who lives in another province. His partner is taking courses, & has done very well..but she may go
for courses to become a Corporate Lawyer which means she'd have to go to Saskatoon & come home on weekends. This is maybe FOUR years down the road!!!! Apparently, my g/f's son said to her..."if this happens, could you..." & of course my g/f knew what it was all about. They'd like for her to move out there, & take care of their children while the son works & his partner again, just would come
home on weekends. I asked a few questions, & was told..".Oh honey...this may not be for another 4-5 years!" Her son & partner have talked about things in the past, which would be '4 years away' but never came to fruition. This has set me on end., & I don't know what to think of it. True, it's a few YEARS down the road, & I fail to understand just why her son would even suggest this at this time.
I don't know where this would leave my g/f & I. I'm a little hurt, but what should I do? I know I shouldn't let this worry me because it's so far away, but I can't help it. Thanks.
4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships3 months agoWas Lundqvist's heart condition revealed??
I learned just this morning that Lundqvist will not play in the 2020-2021 due to a heart condition he's dealing with. Apparently, he has seen a number of specialists
& it has been agreed that the best thing for him is not to play.
The condition itself was not revealed. Does anyone know what the condition is?
Ohhhh it's likely because of the privacy thing.
2 AnswersHockey4 months agoThe Bold & The Beautiful...Do you think Zoe & Carter's engagement is too fast?
Personally, I think Carter giving Zoe an engagement ring so soon into their 'relationship' is ridiculous. He claims he loves her.; thinks she's beautiful (gag gag).
I think she's playing with Zende's emotions by asking him should she accept, etc.
Do you think this is all too fast??
1 AnswerSoap Operas5 months agoCould this have been caused by the surgery?
Blood test 1 day postop showed Neutrophils AB, & Monocytes AB as being elevated; however blood test taken 2 weeks before the surgery showed them well within the normal range. Could the drop in these levels have been caused by the surgery?? Thanks. I am having another blood test in a few days to see if the levels have returned to normal but in the meantime, I'm a little concerned.
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care6 months agoBold & The Beautiful...Do you think this is sickening?
Carter is going overboard with the Zoe thing. She's just playing him along; & flirting with Zende. Carter has known Zoe for about 5 min & has asked her to move in. How ridiculous is that. He's also telling her how beautiful she is. Even my wife says she's butt ugly & also needs to do something with those eyebrows. I too think she's ugly, BUT the whole relationship between Carter & Zoe is ridiculously fast.
Do you think this is sickening???
2 AnswersSoap Operas6 months agoDo they see the same thing?
About a year ago, I had an xray on my left shoulder. Result was Osteoarthritis.
Then I had an xray on the right shoulder. The result said.."comparison Oct./2019 left shoulder". There is mild to moderate AC osteoarthritis without calcific tendonitis
or fracture". How would the radiologist know if it's Osteo or Rheumatoid?
Am I safe in assuming that what was seen on the 2nd xray (right) looks the same as what was on the left??? Thanks!
1 AnswerInjuries6 months agoIn Ontario, must a Decree of Divorce paper have a court seal to be legal?
I'm wondering about something. My friend's g/f has her divorce papers which were
sent to her by her lawyer. In those papers, it is stated that she is free to marry.
I looked at the papers, but didn't see any court seal on them whatsoever. There is however, a space which says "seal" but there is no seal. I'm thinking that if there was a seal to be placed, it would be in that spot.
So, must a seal be on the divorce paper to be legal?
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 months agoHow to speak to a roommate who is miserable in the morning?
This morning was terrible. I woke up early because of a bad headache & sore neck. I was sitting on the couch having my coffee when my roommate got up. She walked into the livingroom & very miserably said "morning". I said "good morning" back without the abruptness that was given to me. I never went into the kitchen while she was getting her things together,nor did I get in her way. I sat on the couch. Just as she was going out the door., she said "goodbye" in a very abrupt tone. In reply I said.."have a good one" (cheerfully). I got a grunt in return.
She has told me in the past that she doesn't like a lot of conversation first thing, but there wasn't any conversation. On weekends, she's just fine..she comes into the kitchen, says 'goodmorning'., & will carry a pleasant conversation.
I refuse to have to start walking on eggshells just because she's a b*tch in the mornings. How do I speak to her about this morning, or should I just let it go? If I had been the one in a rotten mood, she'd have addressed it the moment it happened. To tell the truth, her moodiness somewhat spoiled my day.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 months agoWHERE is Eddie Shack's funeral being held??
There are all sorts of news stories about the passing of hockey legend Eddie Shack, but there's no true obituary. Where the headings say 'obituary', all it does is mention his hockey career., & does not say what funeral home or where the funeral will be. Any info on this? Where can I find this information?
1 AnswerHockey9 months agoHow do I know when to start therapy?
I'm having shoulder replacement surgery in less than a week. I'll be in hospital
overnight, discharged the day after surgery if all is ok. I don't have any idea as to when I'd start physio therapy. Does my Dr. inform me, will it be on my discharge papers? I want to do everything that's right to help ensure success with this procedure. Thanks!
2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 months agoWhat does "left articulation" mean?
I got results back from an xray that was taken of my shoulder. I have advanced osteoarthritis, but it says "in the left humeral articulation".
What does this mean? Thanks!
2 AnswersOther - Diseases9 months agoHow do I correct this annoyance??
For the past few days, I get an error.."page cannot be found". At the bottom left of the screen it says 'resolving host"., then I get the 'page cannot be found" error,
then it will give me the page. This happens in Chrome mostly. I've cleared the cache, & cookies., even uninstalled & reinstalled the browser, restarted the computer, but the situation persists. I find this happens mostly in the mid-late afternoons. I've used IE...same problem. What can I do to resolve this issue?
1 AnswerSoftware9 months agoWould the doctor examine the tendons?
I am awaiting reverse shoulder arthroplasty. When the surgeon is performing this type of surgery, does he/she examine the tendons, i.e. supra/infraspinatus as well as replacing the ball & socket?
1 AnswerOther - Health10 months agoI don't get the uproar about the Confederate you?
The Confederate flag was the flag flown by the Confederate States of America (the South). The Stars& Stripes was flown by the Union (North). While the southern states did practice slavery, the flag doesn't mean it condones nor does it mean it denounces it. American history teaches us that the Stars & Stripes represented the Union, whereas the Confederate flag represented the Confederates States of American. Why on earth would anyone attempt to change history whether we liked it or not. History is history..
8 AnswersPolitics11 months ago