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La Fée Verte

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  • Would you let your son use a pink car seat?

    Though a friend I went to go meet a family that was looking for a babysitter. I didn't go to actually babysit, just went for an interview, talk to the parents, see how I get along with the kids, ect. They have 2 boys, a 5 year old and an 18 month old. Things were going well, we all seemed to be getting along just fine, and they told me they thought I would be a good match for their family. The mother said that they needed me to drive their 5 year old to various activities. I said that was fine. I told her I even have car seats already for both the kids, from other children I babysit for. She wanted to look at them. They both happened to be in my car. She approved of the one for her 5 year old (it is gray) but looked at the one the 18 month old would be using and said, "My son is not using that car seat." The car seat, which was given to me by the parents of an 17 month old girl that I babysit for, is pink with purple flowers on it. There is NOTHING wrong with the car seat. It's pretty new, I've only had it for a month. I asked her why. She said that it was a girl car seat. I told her it was perfectly fine, and it doesn't matter what color the car seat is, as long as it keeps him safe. She told me I would have to buy a different car seat, one that was "boy colors". I told her no, I'm not buying a new car seat when I already have a perfectly good one, but if she wanted to buy me one then she could. She told me that if I don't buy a different car seat then she does not want me to babysit her children. Well that was fine by me! I know we all have different opinions, but it makes me sad that her kids have to grow up like that. Would you let your son use a pink car seat?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Having problems with urinary retention?

    Four years ago I woke up one morning and couldn't go to the bathroom. I kept trying all day and I still couldn't go, but I was too embarrassed to say anything to my parents. Finally after a day in a half I couldn't take it anymore so I told my parents and we went to the ER. They catheterized me and sent me home with a few catheters, and told me if it ever happened again to use them. A few days later the same thing happened, and now have to use a catheter every time I go to the bathroom. I have not been to a doctor about it, I just order my catheters online. But now I have a new problem..incontinence. But it's weird because if I have to go to the bathroom and I sit on the toilet and try to go I need a catheter. But I will randomly wet my pants. I know, it's pretty dumb of me to have waited this long and to let it get this bad, but I finally thinking about going to the doctor. Does anyone have any ideas to what could be wrong with me? One of the reasons that's holding me back from going to the doctors is because I feel like they are going to tell me it's nothing.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • What time should I take my adderall?

    I'm a newly diagnosed with ADD and was put on adderall. I started with 10 mg for five days, now am at 20 mg, then in a few days am moving up to 30 mg. Adderall seems to help me a lot, but I do have issues when it wears off. I get extremely tired and irritable and just want to sleep the afternoon away. I take it at 6:45 just before I go to school, but should I take it at a later time? Or should I ask about Adderall XR? I have a follow up with my doctor next week and will ask him these things as well, but am just looking for some advice. Thank You!

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • If my grades aren't great my senior year, will I still get into college?

    I'm sure this question has been asked on numerous occasions, so I apologize in advance.

    I'm a senior in high school, and am almost finished applying to my desired colleges, but I'm worried I won't get into any of them. My grades were not too good my freshman/sophomore year due to pure laziness and a don't-care attitude, but I stepped it up junior year and received straight A's, got my GPA up to a 3.1, and took many honors courses. My senior year I signed up for all intense courses, including a few AP classes. My grades my first two terms, however, were terrible. I had major issues with depression and anxiety. I would be up for days straight, and would break down frequently. I'll save my sob story, but it was brutal. I'm now on intensive amounts of medication, and go to therapy a few times a week. I am feeling better and beginning to care about life again, but my grades have severely suffered. I have received two D's in my AP History Class, and one E in AP English. The rest of my grades consist of C's, and a few A's. I took the SAT's twice and got a 1,080 and a 1,070 which are not the greatest of scores. However, I took more classes than needed, have strong recommendations, and a good essay. The schools I'm applying to do not seem too hard to get into, and have acceptance rates between 60%-69%

    So what I'm asking is, how much are senior grades put into consideration when applying to college? I'm just really worried. Any input will be greatly appreciated. Thank You!

    8 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Losing the ability to control the right side of my face?

    I've noticed the last month or so I've been having a hard time moving the right side of my face. When I smile the left side of my face moves normally while the right side barely moves at all, and I have to use a lot of extra effort to force a smile onto that side. My eyes also seem to be getting uneven, my right eye more open than the left, and drooping. Also, when smiling my left eye gets significantly smaller while my right stays wide open.

    When I was 13 I did have an impacted tooth on my right side, and ended up getting cellulitis, which caused that side of my face to swell tremendously. I have since fully recovered and had that tooth fixed.

    This is the only thing I can think of that could be of any relation, but this was almost 5 years ago and this started recently...

    Any ideas of what it could be, or if it is anything at all?

    7 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • suffering grades and depression?

    Basically, I've been diagnosed with severe depression a few months ago. I've had depression issues for about 8 years, but it started becoming harder to hide and ended up having a breakdown. I've written a few suicidal notes, and came close a few times. I now go to a counselor once every other week. The weeks I don't go to counseling I go to a nutritionist for binge eating disorder. We have not had any discussions yet regarding medication.

    I'm now a high school senior, however, and my grades are severely suffering. Last year I got straight A's, but now have D's and E's. My mind is completely blurry and I have too many thoughts to focus. I zone out a lot, and I am struggling with every subject. Homework is the biggest struggle, and I know it sounds silly but I get so frustrated that I usually end up crying over it. I have a terrible time falling asleep at night, and usually sleep from 2 - 5 am. But I have found that I seem to feel better late at night, and I am a tiny bit more productive with my homework.

    I'm taking really hard classes this year and my counselor recommended that I dropped out of two of my AP electives, and when I went to my guidance counselor at school they told me I couldn't change classes and went on a long rant about how I should be taking the hardest classes I can for college, and how I should just study more. I didn't feel comfortable enough to discuss what is going on.

    I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for here, guidance maybe? I guess I'm looking for ideas about where to go from here. My grades are really stressing me out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • What should I write on a treasure chest I'm making?

    I'm making a treasure chest for the kids I've been babysitting for all summer, as a thank you present for being so well behaved, and putting some little presents in it. I'm spray painting it brown and drawing a key hole on it, then decorating it with some glitter, plastic gems, and pirate skulls. I'm also writing the kids names on the back, but I need some good pirate sayings to write on it as well, and I need help coming up with some ideas. Any input would be appreciated, thanks! :)

    2 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • I told my parents everything, but what could be wrong?

    Recently, I went to a nutritionist where I was diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder, and she recommended I go to therapy. From this diagnosis I decided to tell my parents I have been having suicidal thoughts on and off for the past 7 or 8 years (I'm 17 now). They are extreme, and I have thought about it seriously, but they are not all the time. My moods go from high to low really quick, and in my low moods all I think about is suicide. I could have planned the best day of my life, but if I wake up in one of these moods I will still be sad and angry and have constant suicidal thoughts the whole day. I also cry and break down over the smallest things, such as one day when my teacher told me I couldn't sharpen my pencil. Or I cry over nothing at all. These dark moods only last a few days, but then I eventually return to my extremely happy mood. These dark moods make me a completely different person inside; it's like night and day. Although these dark moods are bad, I can hide them pretty well.

    I've decided to tell my parents about this because one day I am afraid I will get into one of these moods and harm myself. I've come really really close, once when I was 9 then once when I was 13, but over the past few months they have become more frequent. I also told my pediatrician at my physical recently, but did not tell him nor my parents the severity of this. I do, however, plan on being truly honest with the therapist I have an appointment to go see very soon.

    I'm just wondering ahead of time, is it the therapist who will tell me what's wrong? Does this sound like depression to anyone? I was thinking Bipolar Disorder, but I know someone who has Bipolar Disorder and he has severe anger issues, which I don't have. My neighbor who I have kind of been talking to about this believes I have ADD. I don't know why she thinks I have ADD, but she has it herself and so does her son. My sister also has ADD as well.

    Now I'm blabbering, and confused, but any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    7 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Need party games for a "picnic party?"?

    I'm looking for some good party games for an upcoming "picnic party" we are having in a few weeks. We're inviting a few of our family friends and their children over and eating a picnic dinner, and watching a movie on a projector outside at dusk. Activities we have planned so far are swimming and making smores, but we are looking for good party games/activities for the children. There will be around 30 kids, most of them ages 3-8. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

    4 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Do I have a mental disorder?

    I'm 17 years old and have had on and off thoughts of suicide for the past 6 or 7 years. I remember being kicked out of a summer camp because I wrote a suicide note, but I denied it to my parents and they believed me. I do not constantly want to kill myself, however. I have these days about every two months where suicide is all I think about, and just about everything makes me cry. It doesn't matter if that day is supposed to be one of the best days of my life, If I'm in that kind of mood nothing can get me out of it. I also have a very difficult time paying attention in school, and am constantly in another world. I almost make up my own stories about someone else and they play constantly in my head. Even when I'm doing something fun my thoughts are always elsewhere. It takes me hours just to complete one homework assignment. Talking to myself is something I do quite often, in private most of the time. I pretend someone is there and talk about anything I want, and pretend they respond. In school I am extremely social, and known as "the happy girl", but I never make an effort to actually hang out with others outside of school. I love being alone. I do love attention however, and often exaggerate any illnesses I have to my peers at school. I have been completely keeping these symptoms to myself, however, and truly do not want any attention from this.

    Now our school has been discussing college, which I will be heading off to in a year. College is giving me a great deal of anxiety, which immediately brings my suicide thoughts to my head. I'm afraid I'm going to have a breakdown soon...

    I'm sorry I just shoved anything I think is wrong with me up there, but I feel as though something is really wrong with me.

    Any real help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • In the book Johnny Got His Gun, What was Joe's biggest flaw?

    I need to write a paper about the main character's strengths and negative traits, but I cannot think of a real negative trait he has..

    Anyone have any ideas?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • I have a question on the proposed Transgender Rights Bill in MA?

    After I had told a girl at school I was questioning my sexuality she keeps giving me all these sheets from her church on how homosexuality is wrong, your gonna go to hell, blah blah blah. Well she gave me one recently about the proposed transgender rights bill. It sounds great (kudos Deval Patrick for supporting it.) The thing I have a question about is a paragraph on the sheet that says

    "Women and children would be put at risk since anyone, regardless of their biological sex, would be aloud access to sensitive areas such as single-sex bathrooms and locker rooms. Nothing would prevent a male sexual predator from pretending that he is confused about his sex to gain access to a woman's locker room or bathroom."

    Now I definatly think Transgenders should be able to use their restroom and locker room of choice, but would this bill really let a male claim he is confused about his sex and allow him to enter those? I've googled this bill and have found nothing regarding this part of it.

  • How many people had/have this turtle sandbox?

    I'm just curious, it seems like everybody had one!

    19 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • A good title for a Grapes of Wrath board game?

    The game is pretty much moving across a board and having to answer certain questions about the book depending in which square you land on. I just can't think of a creative title, any suggestions?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What to do about my very sexual rabbit?

    Hello Everyone! I have a one and a half year old holland lop, and he is starting to become one horny bunny. He lives in my rabbit-proofed finished basement, which also contains my bedroom. When I let him out everyday to play he is beginning to go after every person he sees, and humps & bites their legs. If your sitting down he'll go after your arms or your back (as he keeps doing right now.) I know it's not his fault, he is a rabbit after all and it is natural behavior, but it is really starting to get on my nerves. I've given him a stuffed animal to use, but that only lasts a few minutes.

    I had plans to get him neutered a few months back but then my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She's currently not doing well right now. Things are kind of tight for us money wise. We can afford to feed him and take him to normal vet visits, but we can't do anything extra at the time.

    Is their anything I can do to tone his behavior down? Any input is appreciated, Thanks!

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • I cant get on my myspace?

    My computer recently crashed, so my father got it fixed. My internet works great, but I can't log into myspace. I get to the homepage and type my email and password then it looks like the page starts to load but it goes back to the home page again, and it does not even say that I typed the wrong email or password. I can log in at other people's houses though.

    Any help please?

    2 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • Whos name to you like best? ?

    My sisters and I have been arguing for a while on who has the best name. Which one do you prefer?

    Grace Katherine

    Katherine Emma

    Anna Maria

    Molly Rose

    Tess Ava

    Or do they all suck and there is no point to an argument, ha ha.

    14 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know any good songs for a slideshow about homosexual hate crimes? ?

    I need a song for my school projects about gay and lesbian hate crimes and the overall history of homosexuality. Does anyone know any good ones? Thanks!

  • What do you think of elementry schools celebrating national coming out day? ?

    I was watching the news just now and I saw a story about parents who would not send their children to a school on October 11th (National Coming Out Day) after receiving a school calender which says that on the 11th they will be learning about historical gays and lesbians, and about different types of families. Parents were outraged, one woman interviewed saying how she does not want her daughter to learn about those people. I myself am not a parent, but big on diversity. I think it's really great that a school would celebrate this.

    I'm just wondering as parents, how would you feel if your child's school chose to celebrate this?

    14 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • What are some recent crimes against gays/lesbians that were in the media?

    I'm doing a project about a "modern day witch hunt" and I need to know some media-examples of hate crimes against homosexuals or cases such as Boy Scouts of American vs. Dale, or Matthew Shepard. Or I remember reading an article recently about a lesbian high school student who's principal wouldn't not help her after being teased, and suspended students who wore gay pride shirts to support her, I need examples like that.

    Stories are really needed please!

    Thank You!