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Lv 42,678 points


Favourite answers17%
  • Kiwi rugby fans: Who would you rather beat, England or Australia?

    I saw a question on here asking the Welsh whether they would rather beat Enngland or NZ and thought it was a damn good question. So my question is, Kiwi's, who would you rather the AB's beat, the Poms or Ockers? (Or rephrased, who would you least prefer to lose to?)

    Personally, after living in the UK for 5 years, I hate losing to England becuase they rub your nose in everything forever and a day despite how many hidings they might get in the meantime.

    9 AnswersRugby1 decade ago
  • Question for English Union and league fans?

    Is there still a class system in England?

    Whenever anybody asks about the differences between union and league in this section it seems a bunch of uptight league supporters from (the north I think) england sneer about Union being for upper class ect. Is it still like the 1800's in England?

    3 AnswersRugby1 decade ago